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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Went to Play Basketball ~ ^^

Although the basketball tournament between classes is cancelled... but we still run our basketball practice plan... The only thing different is the court is changed, and a new player, Ben (5B class) played with us today.

We have our practice to day in Ben's house... And his house is huge! A basketball court infront and the cinima like room... There is where we watched a movie... The sound system is soooooo good and when the lights are off... You can't even guess that you're actually in a house! Anyway, we all enjoyed a great afternoon in Ben's house... Including me, Shaun, Grace and Wilson... Actually we asked Glenna but she said that she wasn't allowed to go there...

Haiz... One's not here, have to play 3 VS 2... tooooo unfair! ==