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Friday, November 6, 2009

Tomorrow... Fund Raising Charity ~ Yahoo....!!

Wow... at last... it is tomorrow! Nov 7th?!?! Sounds like a very very long time... but today's already Nov 6th! Tonight cannot sleep... ('lolx!') Yeah... everything is done... and the problem last time I mentioned, remember?! Solve already... And our class's Haunted House programme is running until soooooooooo 'geng'! But today when I went in, it's very dark... and very smelly... I think it's b'cause of the plastic bags and the smell of SWEAT!

So tomorrow maybe I am running two sides... my own stall and Haunted House. Listen...! "MAYBE!" B'cause later somebody 'tak syok' me... haiz... so difficult to be generous... "Am I?!?!" I and my 'team' will be working in the second period... and in the first period of my stall, we go 'shopping' around the school... 'cari makan'...!

And... guess what?!?! BOTH of my parents are coming... actually I don't want this to happen, but they insisted! omg... Tell you guys something also... Tomorrow (Saturday) Wilson's parents are also coming... harharhar! Nothing to tell already... tata~