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Sunday, November 29, 2009

One Of My Favourite Songs ~ Taylor Swift - Stay Beautiful

Going To Watch 2012 Tonight

You guys watched the 2012 movie early... I watched it late... but...! So what? You just know the story earlier... In the end, I'll still watched it. It's just the a matter of time! Tonight I'm going to Galaxy Ampang. That's the nearest MBO cinema from my house. The whole building is a failure, accept for the cinema on the highest floor. haha... I've nothing to post 'liao'... this Thursday is the trip to Singapore... see you all later!!


Friday, November 27, 2009

Twilight ~ New Moon "It's a great movie... I've watched it today at KLCC..."

New Moon (marketed as The Twilight Saga: New Moon) is a 2009 American romantic fantasy film. It is based on the novel of the same name by Stephenie Meyer and is the sequel to 2008's Twilight, which is based on Meyer's previous novel. Summit Entertainment greenlit the sequel in late November 2008, following the early success of Twilight. Directed by Chris Weitz, the film stars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner, reprising their roles as Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black, respectively. Melissa Rosenberg, who handed in a draft of the film script during the opening weekend of Twilight, returns as the screenwriter for the second installment as well.
The film was released on November 20, 2009 in most countries, and set domestic box office records as the biggest midnight screening with US$26.3 million. This led to the biggest single day domestic gross with $72.7 million. New Moon also opened with the third biggest domesti opening weekend ($142,839,137), which is also the biggest for 2009.


On her 18th birthday, Bella Swan wakes up from a dream in which she sees herself as an old woman. She expresses her distaste with growing older than her boyfriend Edward Cullen, a vampire who stopped aging at 17. Edward's adoptive family throws Bella a birthday party. While unwrapping a gift, Bella gets a paper cut, which causes Edward's brother, Jasper, to be overwhelmed by her blood's scent and attempt to kill her. Realizing the danger he and his family pose to Bella, Edward decides to end their relationship, and the Cullens move away from Forks, Washington.
Edward's departure leaves Bella heartbroken and depressed for months. However, when her father, Charlie, attempts to send her to live with her mother, Bella agrees to spend time with her friends. After seeing a movie with Jessica, Bella sees a group of men who remind her of a time when Edward rescued her previously, and she is surprised to see a vision of Edward warning her against approaching them. Bella discovers that all thrill-seeking activities grant her visions of Edward. She also finds comfort in her deepening friendship with Jacob Black, a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. When Jacob is unable to see Bella for weeks, she discovers that he is a werewolf, an age-old enemy of vampires. Jacob's pack members are on constant patrol for Victoria, a vampire searching to kill Bella, leaving Jacob little time to spend with Bella. Alone, Bella returns to seeking thrill-inducing activities.
A series of miscommunications leads Edward to believe that Bella has killed herself while cliff-diving. Distraught over her supposed suicide, Edward flees to Italy to provoke the Volturi, a powerful coven of vampires who are capable of killing him. Alice, Edward's sister, and Bella rush to Italy to save Edward, and arrive just in time to stop him. However, the Volturi decide that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire herself. Alice stops them from killing her by showing them a vision of the future in which Bella has been transformed. Once they return home to Forks, Edward tells Bella that he has always loved her and only left town to protect her. She forgives him, and the Cullens vote in favor of Bella being transformed into a vampire, to Edward and Jacob's dismay. Edward gives Bella a choice: either she lets Alice change her after their graduation, or, if Bella agrees to marry him, he will change her himself. However, Jacob reminds them of a treaty the Cullens have made with the werewolves: they will not attack each other, as long as the Cullens never bite a human.

~ Kuala Lumpur City Centre ~

In the park... taking pictures...

Have lunch together at the food court...

Buying ice-cream... one small cup costs RM6.80! So expensive... but aiyah...! tak kisah larh

Bought a cup of small ice cuppucino... costs RM10... + government text... RM10.50! I bought a small one, Zhi Siang bought the medium one and Wilson bought the large one... Hey it's just a cup of coffee liquid... small is good enough! ==

Just came back from KLCC... I've a great day at KLCC with my friends... We all reached KLCC at about 11am, and finish at 6.45pm... Wow... but it's only 5 of us... Me, Wilson, Zhi Siang, Grace and Glenna. If there were more people, it'll double the fun. Plus... we all watched "Twilight New Moon" at the cinema... it's sssooooooooooo cool!! The movie is amazing...! the acting is perfect, the the sound system... wow! None of the adjectives could describe it! It lasts for more than 2 hours I think, and we spend a total of RM30 just for the movie. The last part of the movie, Edward asked Belle:"Will you marry me?" and zzoooooomm! It's the end... I'm sure that she agreed, and they'll live happily. Everything's going great today, and I'll NOT forget about this.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Disapointing Morning

Today morning I went for a morning walk at Taman Tar. Left the house early again... ("My mum wouldn't let me wake up late") you know the road beside KDE (Kelab Darul Ehsan)? There I saw lots of monkeys and some so called 'good hearted people' feeding them.

After thet refreshing morning walk, I went to have an Indian breakfast at Ampang Jaya. I and my family ordered a total of three tosais, two chappatis, a plate of 'nasi goreng cina' and 3 glasses of water. The food isn't as nice as expected, and you know what's the worst of all?

It's that plate of 'nasi goreng cina'. At first my mum already warned me about that, but I insisted I want to order it. She say that chinese friend rice sold at Indian restaurants aren't nice.

At last, what she said to me is so right! Now... Let me describe it... It's rice with lots of oil, no ingredients added but raw slices of a carrot, and a slice of old cucumber. No eggs added! And when you taste it, it's the smell of spoiled meat. It is totally TASTELESS!! I didn't even dare to eat it...!

When paying the money, my mum complained about that plate of 'trash', and at last the cashier said that it won't be counted in the bill. Whoa... how could they make something like that for their customers?!?! I swear I wouldn't go back to that restaurant. The chef isn't a pro.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Spend The Whole Day At Plaza Rakyat & Pudu...

It's a tiring day today... Came back from Pudu today at 4 something p.m.... Took a nice hot water bath, and watched TV... Ate dinner... on9... Update blog...

Today my mum took me to Pudu Tung Shin Hospital to do a body checkup at the tradisional department... Today very 'cham'... B'cause my mum doesn't know the way to Pudu + the traffic jam she is scared of, so we go to Pudu by LRT... And we left the house at 9:30 in the morning! So early...! When we reach the LRT station, no parking space! So my mum has to drive the car and park it in Kampung Melayu, cross the road, and walk all the way to LRT station.

Today... I've been to Times Square too. Not for shopping arh! My mum wants to redeem a new bottle for me at the Cosway shop b'cause I've lost my former one. Then we waked again... to Pudu Plaza, shopped for a while... and then walk to the optical shop where I make my glasses... (Yan Leong) Heard of this name before?! It's so rare in Malaysia... Not like England Optical or Focus Point...

Whoa... so much walking and exercise... and at last... we came back the the Ampang station... and drove a car home... "Home Sweet Home!" I missed my computer so much...! haha lolx

If I didn't go to Pudu today, you all will see me online even earlier... haiz... nvm lah! Forget abot it lah! tata~

Monday, November 23, 2009

Get Ready...

Haiz... not even half of the school holiday... my dad wants me to get ready for the school term next year... Must draw time table and use this holiday wisely. Online hours must be cut... and of course... If not used to it, mati larh...!

So you'll seldom see me available on the contact list... Last two days I didn't even touch the computer... the reason? You all should know... This holiday's plan... not comfirmed yet. But, next thursday I'm going to the graduation trip arranged by my school to Singapore and Port Dickson. The fee for the trip is RM760++... Why I add a ++? B'cause that RM760 is only for hotel, bus fare, and maybe a few breakfasts only... If you wanna buy other things... that's even more... b'cause of the exchange rate between Ringgit Malaysia & Singapore Dollar.

As a result, altogether it's more than a thousand Ringgit for the WHOLE trip... Looking forward to that and meeting my best friends...! ^^

After the Singapore trip... Maybe I'm going to Dubai, Thailand... and later going to Penang to visit my cousins and relatives... and last... Malacca to visit my uncle... What a busy holiday! I bet I've no time for the preparation for the new school term next year.

I'm a Music Lover...! B'cause...

Music is what makes you move
Music is what makes you groove
Music can be good or bad depending on how its used
Music can make you choose different clothes to wear
Music can make you change your hair
Music can make you choose new friends
Music can make you want to dance
Music can make you fight
Music can make everything alright
Music can take care of you when your alone
Music can make everything feel like home
Music can harm and take away
Music can make you want to stay
Music is the only friend I have
Music is my mom and dad
Music is what keeps me alive
When I feel like I can't survive

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Miley Cyrus ~ The Climb (graduation song)

Graduation Day

As you drive away
I wave goodbye,
And remember the times
We laughed and cried.

As you drive away
I slowly start to cry
And remember how much
You hurt me deep inside.

As you drive away
I’m filled with anger
Because you never said
You’re sorry for my pain.

As you drive away
I look my life
…And yours,
And I forgive you.

As you drive away
I wave goodbye
Then, stand and watch
And realize it graduation day
And nothing will ever be the same.


School can be fun...school can be boring
school can bring friends...school can bring enemies
school can bring rules...but u can break them
school brings bullies...school brings friends
school brings work..school brings cheating
I am missing it........... a lot

And now... I'm going to leave school... I'll miss everything in school... friends, enemies, cheating, bullies...

Grace Oh ~ haha

What do you think? harhar... Grace... I've got'cha! Hey hey hey! I post her photo only arh... Don't misunderstand arh...!

There Is No Rest For Success

Success is a journey not a destination a year from
now you may wish you had started today.
Every beginner is a winner. Success is not escaping problems but facing them creatively.
There is no success without sacrifice.
Great success always calls for great sacrifice.
Even failure can become an important ingredient to success.
Failure just means that you have not yet succeeded.
I’d rather change my mind and succeed than have my own way and fail. Success without conflict is unrealistic.
Any person can be successful on smooth seas,
but it is the victory over the storm that gains true honor.
Success doesn’t come through the way you think it comes;
it comes through the way you think.
Never settle for less than success.
Success is doing something good.
When you can, where you can, while you can.
It’s better to attempt to do something great and fail,
than attempt to do nothing and succeed.
Success is not necessarily reaching your goal- but reaching the maximum
possibilities in light of the opportunities that come your way.
To keep your values on target remember to live so that when you “arrive”, you’ll
have pride behind you and hope ahead of you.
The success is truly the path to heaven.
Success is never ending, because success is like the process of seed planting.
Every creative contribution like a seed planted may bear fruit.
Success finally is not what you have it is not what you do;
it is who you are, and what you want to become of yourself.

I GOT 7As IN UPSR! Yes...!

Latest news... I got 7As in the UPSR examination... This is the prove...!

Quite blur right? This is the UPSR examination results slip...! 7As! Way to GO!

Finally... I've SUCCESSED!!

Tomorrow ~ Graduation Day

Yes!! At last...! Waited for six years... and I'm going to graduate tomorrow... haiz... but... BUT...!


I can't be with my best friends anymore... except for the ones that are entering the same secondary school...

Can't study or stay in this class filled with happy memories and laughter...

Can't sit and listen in the school hall...

Can't eat the "horrible" food in the school canteen...

Can't see the teachers that taught me from Standard 1 until 6...

Can't walk through the beautiful school corridor...

Can't wait for my parents at the guard house anymore...

All this... will become unforgetable happy memories... the time spent with everyone in this school... I really feel sad to part with all my friends... But... these all are going to happen... can't change it... By the way... last words... Bye Bye to SRJK(C)Chung Hwa(P)...! I'll miss you...

*if there are any spelling mistakes, pls tell me... thx

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Graduation: letting go starting new
There are many things we have to do

Preparing for a life long journey ahead
Remembering the wonderful lives we led

Walking so proudly down the aisle
Making sure you have a smile

Having flashbacks of the past
Wishing those moments could only last

Trying not to shed a tear
Knowing that the end is hear

But for all of us it not the end
Just our futures we have to tend

Fear of Graduating

I am close with my friends
As the time draws nearer
The time that would seperate us
We all knew it was coming

Finally it came, and so did the tears
One after another they fell on the concrete floor
With a loud thundering sound
Words, hugs and even kisses were exchanged

Each person walked up to the stage
And said what was needed to say
Although it was difficult, but everyone
Had their own future ahead of them

What does it mean to fear graduation?
Why does it hurt when the day arrives?

It hurts because of the friendships being
And the because of the seperate and ways of

Every person has his/her dream and the future
Will not wait a moment for tears
Although in many years from the day of graduation
A reunion for all that was once called a class!

Graduation (growing up)

Graduation is a huge step
Not only for you
Your friends and your family
Don’t know what to do.
Will you keep in touch?
Will you call them every day?
Or will all of their memories,
Simply fade away?
Graduation is adrenaline,
It gets the heart a racing
But your poor folks feel stressed,
Soon they’ll start the pacing.
But knowing you tells me that you will never forget
Your primary school years you will never regret
I know…..
That you will call your family
You'll let them know you’re okay.
Even if you feel like it’s been a shitty day
Your friends will be close by you will surely keep in touch
For simply letting go would be a deadly punch

You will be remembered, your greatness will remain
For you have never caused, aggression, hate, or pain.
I write this to you now to show you that I care,
And also that I’m glad that you are always there.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Went to Play Basketball ~ ^^

Although the basketball tournament between classes is cancelled... but we still run our basketball practice plan... The only thing different is the court is changed, and a new player, Ben (5B class) played with us today.

We have our practice to day in Ben's house... And his house is huge! A basketball court infront and the cinima like room... There is where we watched a movie... The sound system is soooooo good and when the lights are off... You can't even guess that you're actually in a house! Anyway, we all enjoyed a great afternoon in Ben's house... Including me, Shaun, Grace and Wilson... Actually we asked Glenna but she said that she wasn't allowed to go there...

Haiz... One's not here, have to play 3 VS 2... tooooo unfair! ==

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Favourite Anime Cartoon ~ Shaman King

Shaman King's story takes place in a world where anything is possible, where spirits and ghost live together woth humans. Asakura Yoh is not a common person : he is a shaman who can connect the dead world and the living world. He has the ability to see spirits. A shaman usually uses his spirit(s) to fight. A tournament, a shaman fight, who occurs every 500 years is set to know who is the strongest shaman in the world. The winner, Shaman king, can have the Great Spirit (known as the best spirit in the world.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Mentalist Trailer/New Fall Series

2012 Starting on cinemas on 13th November!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Computer Virus Attack! ~ Animator VS Animation

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

WALAU ~ A!! We all "Jin Jia Cham!"

Omg... Today PJ class. Mr Soo, our PJ (Pendidikan Jasmani) teacher, Mr Soo, let us play basketball. "Whoa! At last...!" It's something like a competition, between classes. But b'cause our school basketball court has been 'destroyed' due to building the new block in our school. So cannot play 5 on 5 'liao', b'cause of limited space.

Today we (6M) class play VS standard 5 students and we lost! This is the part I hate the most... Standard 5?!?!?! Anyway, it's so unfair b'cause they practised almost everyday but us...?! Nothing! Haiz... "Jin Jia Cham!" (hokkien)

But I think it's okey... It isn't a real competition... and for us to loose... normal thing... Aiyah! I'm trying not to think about it again... tata~

Monday, November 9, 2009

What's Going Wrong?!?!?!

Hey! C'mon guys...! It's just a game! What's the matter with you all?! I know you and xxx are 'enemies', always can't get along together... always quarrel... But can't you guys think about me?!?! You know how difficult it is for me to be your friend?!

Yes... You know I'm talking 'bout you! You know that, but keep quite! If I don't post this, I wouldn't know how to express my feelings... ok... Just to illustrate for example... You want to buy something... There two things you longed for it ages ago. You're rich, you have the money to buy both of the things... now let's name them A & B. As it is said just now... you have the money to buy both of them, so of course you'll buy all!

But an unexpected moron came (maybe your mum or somebody else)... she/he say you should buy 'A' and not 'B', b'cause she/he hates 'B'. But you want BOTH...! and you have the money to buy them! And even if you bought them, it wouldn't cause you to beg money infront of people! How can you make a decision?!?!

So you decided to buy ONE only... that's 'B'... After that... that she/he moron thing say that if you buy 'B', she/he will dislike you forever... when you decided to buy 'A', you just want BOTH!

This is my situation everyone... you may not understand about the meaning of this illustration... BUT something like that's happening to me...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

2009 Fund Raising Charity ~ The End...

From left to right is Grace, Jia Xun, my mum, me, and Wilson Hon...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tomorrow... Fund Raising Charity ~ Yahoo....!!

Wow... at last... it is tomorrow! Nov 7th?!?! Sounds like a very very long time... but today's already Nov 6th! Tonight cannot sleep... ('lolx!') Yeah... everything is done... and the problem last time I mentioned, remember?! Solve already... And our class's Haunted House programme is running until soooooooooo 'geng'! But today when I went in, it's very dark... and very smelly... I think it's b'cause of the plastic bags and the smell of SWEAT!

So tomorrow maybe I am running two sides... my own stall and Haunted House. Listen...! "MAYBE!" B'cause later somebody 'tak syok' me... haiz... so difficult to be generous... "Am I?!?!" I and my 'team' will be working in the second period... and in the first period of my stall, we go 'shopping' around the school... 'cari makan'...!

And... guess what?!?! BOTH of my parents are coming... actually I don't want this to happen, but they insisted! omg... Tell you guys something also... Tomorrow (Saturday) Wilson's parents are also coming... harharhar! Nothing to tell already... tata~

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Want Me To Play Facebook Game?!?! Boring!

Today we all went to the school hall... to finish the work for the haunted house on this Saturday... Actually I'm not in the group, just helping... ("How generous!" swt...) Then when they are cutting the plastic bags, suddenly Wilson ask me to play Facebook games... (Restaurant City)

Then I heard his boring conversation with Khai Yan... At first he ask her to buy him... ("Prostitude 'ka'?!) Then Wilson tell her that he needs ice... After that Khai Yan ask him again that whether he has sugar... if he has, give it to her... Then Wilson say he wanted to exchange it with Khai Yan... Whoa! After I heard this conversation, I already knew that they are talking about Restaurant City...

Hello?!?! How old are you guys...? Anyway, I don't want to play Facebook games because I think that they are boring! And, it's already two weeks since I last sign in Facebook! I wrote this post not because of my jealousy... or anything else... Just to tell you all I hate Facebook games... Thanks...

*If after you read this post, and you know that I'm talking about you, and feel like you want to hit me, SRY... ^^

Sunday, November 1, 2009

This Year's Final Exam... OVER!!

These two days... I've been using the school canteen... classroom for exam... and a desk for myself... At last... sad to say... lol! Leaving the school... tata~ See you next year...

Bye Bye Chong Hwa! See you next year...