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Sunday, January 31, 2010


haiz... (唉声叹气)又怎么啦?明天没有上课咯。上次不知几时说过自己很恨恨很恨喜欢课余时间啊,没上课啊,放假之类的。。。现在?!想法简直跟刚说的相反。放假觉得越来越无聊,可以上网又怎样?网上太多东西做了。。。多得不知要做什么!上网上到"sien"。

Facebook上次对我来说很hot的,现在都玩闷了。。。 什么restaurant city的东西都听到厌了。。。去到哪儿都会听到旁边的朋友在讲!最多上网post部落各,不然就是跟新的同班同学chat个不停。




Friday, January 29, 2010

Life in the heart of...

Life in deserts was sandy,
Life in caves was lonely,
Life in ocean was salty,
Life in stars was resplendent,
Life in car was modern,
Life in mountains was exhilarating,
Life in Sun was brilliant,
Life in forests was mystical,
Life in shadows was enigmatic,
Life in battlefield was belligerent,
Life in pearls was exotic,
Life in office was monotonous,
Life in sky was breezy,
Life in submarine was voluptuous,
Life in trees was mischievous,
Life in roses was fragrant,
Life in grass was intoxicating,
Life in webs was silken,
Life in paradise was divine,
Life in temples was sacrosanct,
Life in gutter was abhorrent,
Life in dirt was deplorable,
Life in rain was seductive,
Life in beehives was vivacious,
Life in wine was sensuous,
Life in computers was brazen,
Life in nests was sequestering,
Life in statues was stationary,
Life in icebergs was freezing,
Life in anthills was irascible,
Life in lakes was placid,
Life in locks was invincible,
Life in photographs was still,
Life in gardens was pleasant,
Life in mousetrap was asphyxiating,
Life in fists was curled,
Life in prison was disdainful,
Life in whirlpool was spinning,
Life in theater was dramatic,
Life in art was enchanting,
Life in boats was undulating,
Life in diamonds was glittering,
Life in moon was milky,
Life in kitchen was appetizing,
Life in beauty was ravishing,
Life in titillation was enticing,
Life in fantasy was stupendous,
Life in motherslap was blissful,
Life in medicine was healing,
Life in corpse was standstill,
Life in lavatory was pathetic,
Life in seedlings was blossoming,
Life in horseback was gallivanting,
Life in snakeskin was slithering,
Life in oven was sizzling,
Life in greenery was sedative,
Life in rebellion was evoking,
Life in discrimination was appalling,
Life in benevolence was gratifying,
Life in humanity was God,
Life in cheese was tangy,
Life in achievement was exultating,
Life in ambition was propelling,
Life in eyelashes was flirtatious,
Life in palms was dependant,
Life in fashion was bombastic,
Life in recluse was esoteric,
Life in keyhole was inconspicuous,
Life in kites was exuberant,
Life in glass was reflecting,
Life in tea was rejuvenating,
Life in sheep was impeccable,
Life in rocks was jagged,
Life in chains was abominable,
Life in feathers was tickling,
Life in egotism was preposterous,
Life in dawn was brandnew,
Life in dewdrops was mesmerizing,
Life in intrigue was electrifying,
Life in eloquence was mystifying,
Life in clock was pragmatic,
Life in childhood was nostalgic,
Life in robots was mechanical,
Life in fabric was shielding,
Life in soul was stupefying,
Life in roots was entangling,
Life in chains was hedonistic,
Life in bareness was lascivious,
Life in haziness was romantic,
Life in knives was lethal,
Life in chili was piquant,
Life in swings was fascinating,
Life in lechery was insane,
Life in rhythm was celestial,
Life in pulse was frantic,
Life in lies was cowardice,
Life in superstitions was non-existent,
Life in revenge was pugnacious,

But life in the heart of your beloved; WAS; IS; AND

认识中华 ~ 隆中华校训



也是儒家亚圣孟子最为强调的修身原则。华小承继了中华文化五千年的优良传统,故它从创校之始就将儒家的思想精髓融入教育中。此外,孟子亦强调义利之辨,将义与利对立起来。真实生活中,“义”中可容“利”,而“利”中则不一定包涵“义”。因此,本校要求学生在生活实践中,时时行正,以“义”为出发点,将“利” 字暂且搁在一旁。纵观现今工商业社会,普罗大众处处求“利”,整个社会充斥着“利”字的现实风气,而我校却灌输学生求“义”之精神,这无疑是在教育界中注入一股清流,这也是本校的办学特色之一。




隆中华 2010年新春庙会


Thursday, January 28, 2010


In Bill Gates' Book for high school and college graduates, there is a list of 11 things they did not learn in school. In his book, Bill Gates talks about how feel-good, politically-correct teachings created a full generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this education set them up for failure in the real world.

The 11 things are:

1. Life is not fair, get used to it. 1.

2. The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.

3. You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both.

4. If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure.

5. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity.

6. If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about our mistakes, learn from them.

7. Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try "delousing" the closet in your own room.

8. Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life.

9. Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.

10. Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

11. Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

吉隆坡中华独立中学 2009年第48届毕业典礼 校长演讲稿


各位,2009年是一个艰巨但是令人欢畅兴奋的一年。在全年庆祝母校创校90周年之际,我们隆中华人全年迄今不曾稍停一下步伐,或稍停喘一口气。在学校里,老师们、职员和工友们、同学们,是马不停蹄:右手推行例常业务 -- 上课、学习、考试、活动、比赛。腾出左手推动每三个月一次的校庆活动。若干着、拼着劲,偶而也起了争执,偶而也气馁了,流汗、流泪。可是更多时候我们是吐气昂首的,欢愉而畅快的,脸上发光的!

2) 因为我们总也克服困难,总也在最紧要的关头,夺取了胜利的果实!

3) 在百忙万难中,隆中华今年在各领域,再次交出一张亮丽、耀目的成绩单。

4) 在各领域、各类的学术与非学术比赛内 -- 不提州、或是县级的竞赛 -- 在全国性的竞赛中我们夺得14个团体冠军和11个个人冠军。

5) 在上个月,在中国成都举行的海外华裔中华文化比赛里,英、美、法、澳、加、日、韩多国派出队伍参加竞赛:马来西亚队荣夺团体冠军!队中三人其一,便是我们高二的傅仰辉同学!

6) 今年,董事部也让学校搭上了网上教学的列车,我们开始在初中一班级推行e-class,预计在4至5年内推行到全校所有班级,希望有效果地推广和深化网上教学与学习。

7) 今年本校42位老师也在八月间,完成了历时三年的与新纪元学院联办的教师专业课程。

8) 我们也继续推动新手教师的培训,和全校教师的在职培训。

9) 为了在拥挤的校园制造活动的空间,希望在量的基础上达致质的提升。董事部的硬体发展计划的首阶段也展开了。
10月份:多媒体课室大楼开始施工,预计6月内完成工程。 (招收新生报告)

10) 我们感谢董事部,在董事长丹斯里拿督童玉锦的高瞻远瞩的领导之下,让母校师生,高歌猛进,让母校向更灿烂更昌盛壮大的时代迈进。

11) 各位高三毕业班的同学:无可违言,你们是特别优秀,拔萃出群的一届。

12) 学术表现:你们从PMR、初中统考,乃至SPM,一路考来,过关斩将,每一次都是五年来最标青的成绩。’08年SPM你们的个人成绩,700人参考每4人就一个最少9A。

13) 那是本校有史以来最好的成绩!

14) 江山代有人才出,你们这一届是人才济济!
ü 高三理忠 : 叶进兴,全国独中数理学识比赛个人全科第一名!(全国6万名独中人数理最强者) ü 林绍杰、郑绍泉 - 三人夺得全国独中数理比赛团体冠军 ü 高三文仁:林家豪, 时事问答比赛全国冠军8联冠主将、 中华文化大赛全国个人冠军 ü 何建聪、李湘滢、曾泳邰 ü 学警的领导傅佩诗 ü 学长团的叶隆达 ü 小提琴手许荣君 ü 给大家都留下深刻印象的高三理仁的女高音 - 张嘉慧
15) 那么如果今天我们对应届的高三毕业生有很高的期许,超乎寻常的要求,那是不过份,并且恰当的。

16) 如果是一个普普通通的中学,在这样的场合,我会说: “同学们!毕业了,好好找一份正当的职业,规规矩矩做人,成家立业吧!”

17) 可是对你们,我要说: “心有多大,舞台就有多大!”

18) 我要说: “创造超越的人生!生命并非一个发现的过程,而是一个创造的过程。你并不是在发现你自己,而是在重新创造你自己。 所以,别急于发现你是谁,而该急于决定你想做谁! 所以,别急于发现你是谁,而该急于决定你想做谁!”

19) 同学们: “志不立,天下无可成之事。”

20) 你要立志。 眼前你可能只看到五年内的目标。就是考一个好大学,选读一个好科系,最好是一个能让你赚大钱的科系,念完了,找到一份称心的工作,之后呢?五年后呢?十年后呢?

21) 你要立志! 如果还没有,你要立下远大、10年、20年的志向。 ü 一个值得你穷一生的力气去追求的 ü 一个对你的能力考验最严厉的 ü 最能使自己把无穷的潜能,潜在能量像原子弹里的原子,爆发、释放出来 的一个理想、一个抱负、一个志向。

22) 你要立志: 个人条件与天赋因人而异,只要按着自己的条件去制定自己的目标,去立志。那么,把潜能发挥出来,达到了目标,那便是成功。 并不是要做Barack Obama才叫成功。

23) 同学们:“你要立志!” 无论是 ü 立志要在21世纪,中华民族划时代的兴起的过程扮演一个耀眼的角色:文化经济科技政治教育(心多大、舞台便多大) ü 还是立足祖国,为国为民奉献力量: 我们的国家正历临一个充满变数的大时代 ~ 是民主的成长、种族两极化的危机、经济结构不健全和后国家石油资源时代的经济、全球化的冲击,乃至教育和国民新一代的素质 - 危机也是机遇,也是有理想和壮志的英雄的时代! ü 还是在30岁之前赚取你的第一桶金(一个成功的商人、一个成功的专业人士) ü 你都要立下志向,并且今天开始,便一步、一步的向目的地长征而去。

24) 可能,你说:“我爱孩子们,我爱教书,没啥志向,就想平平凡凡当一个老师,教一辈子书,行吗?”

25) 我说:如果你能用爱心去陪伴你的学生成长,以你的人格和情操教化他们,改造他们的人生和命运,坚持30年、40年如一日 那就是志向!那就是平凡中的不平凡的志向,强过一个总统,可是一个欺民窃国的总统!

26) 同学们,在我还未结束今早讲话之前,我要请大家为我们之间的两位老师鼓掌。

27) 他俩为母校服务了整整35年,坚守岗位,在平凡中缔造不平凡。今年他俩选择荣休。

28) 让我们代表35年来承受老师恩泽,一代又一代的学生,以最热烈的掌声向林华雄老师和孙瑞香老师致敬!









Tuesday, January 26, 2010




好了好了。。。说这么多我自己也没把握可以赢。== 总而言之,大家全力以赴就对了。Limpek就此“搁笔”,拜拜。

Saturday, January 23, 2010

今日新闻 ~ 大马好消息!馬羽賽:李宗偉殺入決賽!



Tuesday, January 19, 2010




Monday, January 18, 2010


怎么那些跟我同班的都没有sign in msn?! 现在我真的真的很闷咧。。。要找人聊天又难。静玲你又没有on9, 想跟你说东西都难。总之。。。快点on9啦!就是这么多了。拜拜!

Saturday, January 16, 2010






美国联邦储备局主席Ben Shalom Bernanke以非常手法挽救濒临倒闭的大企业,当选2009年《时代》周刊风云人物。


钢琴家Arthur Rubinstein。

隆中华独中2010年开学礼 ~ 挥春比赛





你呀!杨静玲。。。说不给我拍不给我拍。结果呢?自己来看我的blog啦!最后还是给我拍了,还在那里咪咪笑。^^ 从这个照片,很明显就可以看到你一边的酒窝。希望你别介意,因为你之前吩咐过我把照片删除掉。


Friday, January 15, 2010

我的中学生活 ~ 在隆中华独中的初中一仁班开始了


在此我想问问你们,是否有怀疑过我的华语很烂,很差啊?所以没有再我的blog里post华语文章?!现在我可要证明给你们这一些人看,我的华语还挺好的!从今,我可能会用双语post blog。


这个月也是学校举办的习惯养成月。。。一天做几次叫我们环保啊,记得排队啊,吃了后把碗碟放进大桶里的广播。听到烦死了!那个广播员不累的吗?! 真是的。。。


You guys "syok" lah! SMK only from Monday till Friday... Chong Hwa Saturday kena go back study!

Wah... tomorrow no school, the number of people online increased compared to yesterday night. How about me?! I've to go to school six days a week. But tomorrow syok sikit. We have a school opening ceremony. "Walau...! Go to school also must celebrate...?!! =="

So the time for the boring lessons will be lessened. Very good! I love my new school... I love my new classmates... I hate NOT a bit about it. Except for the lessons... Especially the Sejarah Malay teacher. We call her Cikgu Habibah... What a funny name... Habibah. I think you are thinking what I am thinking... the -bibah read from the back... haha. No lah just joking... ^^ And pls just look carefully at the word H-A-B-I-B-A-H... Now try to put the letters from the back till the front. ...... done? haha! It's the same... So that's why I said that it's a strange name. Weird!

My PJ class teacher is a little fat. Like the former one... haha. Cikgu Soo... no lah... My Eng and Maths teacher is the youngest... the oldest one is Chinese... there's only one word to describe her... See until vomit...! == Aiyoh... too bad liao! Others medium medium punya... Oh, forgot ada one more. My Science teacher. She's from China... Most people from China have the Chinese strong accent right? But this one ok lah, can understand... Although she talks very fast.

Other than that... no more. Looking forward to tomorrow's school opening ceremony. That's all for today. Bye!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Future

I'm closer to the future
Than I was yesterday.
The highway of the future
Is in each break of day.
I frame my future
By the decisions I make.
I encounter the future
If diligent steps I take.
Plans for the future
I made in the past.
Today I face the future
Yet it won't last.
Depending on the future
Is so inefficient.
Because the so-called future
Is vague and transcient!
'you'll live well in the future
if the present is well lived! ! '

Happy Chinese New Year ~ Year Of The TIGER

For this year... Don't buy Carlsberg, or Guinness or whatever... It's the tiger year! TIGER year, TIGER beer!! Hey...! I help you advertise your beer leh... Where's my 'gaji' ?!

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

The Lunar New Year dates from 2600 BC, when the Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first cycle of the Chinese zodiac.

Because of cyclical lunar dating, the first day of the year can fall anywhere between late January and the middle of February. On the Chinese calendar, 2010 is Lunar Year 4708.

On the Western calendar, the start of the New Year falls on Sunday, February 14, 2010 — The Year of the Tiger. This year, the date has special significance since it also happens to fall on Valentine's Day making it a doubly auspicious day to celebrate in the West.

Happy New Year Chinese zodiac 2010 Chinese horoscope New Year FoodsNew Year Recipes. If you were born in 914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 or 2010 - you were born under the sign of the tiger. Like the tiger, you are one of the most caring and thoughtful signs in the Chinese zodiac. You have a lot to say on the best way to right society's wrongs, and quite capable of defending children, friends, and loved ones against all enemies.

For the tiger in 2010, any recent setbacks or obstacles can be overcome, so look forward to a year in which to really shine, either personally or professionally.

Famous people born under the sign of the Tiger? They include Emily Bronte, Sheryl Crow, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Emily Dickinson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jay Leno, Karl Marx, Marilyn Monroe, Marco Polo, Beatrix Potter, Queen Elizabeth II, and Jon Stewart.
Oh... and talking about this... Thousand thanks to Rebecca Lim Wan Yieng for sending me a Chinese New Year card through Pos Malaysia. It's very sweet of you... thx! ^^ Keep in touch after you go abroad.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

doing Something Unenjoyable

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.

Life is challenging. In order to be happy and successful, we need to prepare ourselves on many fronts. Although participating in enjoyable activities is always desirable, in my view it is also necessary at times to do things we do not enjoy. The bases for my view are personal, social and financial.

Personally, doing things we don’t care for builds character and helps us mature. For instance, when parents have their first baby they are forced to give up their freedom in order to look after the child. There are times when parents barely get enough sleep and still have to get up and go to work in the morning. Similarly, when students are in school and university, they need to spend a lot of time studying. In spite of being tempted to go out with friends and attend parties, those who have self-control and keep their priorities straight are the ones who get high grades. Through such life experiences people become stronger, wiser and more responsible.

From a social perspective, we live in an interdependent world which imposes its obligations on us. Each person belongs to diverse social groups and plays various social roles. Each of us has to attend birthday parties, weddings and funerals to show we care about our fellow human beings. Participating in events for the sake of others teaches us to go beyond our own selfish needs and to share in the joys and sorrows of others.

Financially-speaking, people need to work - and spend - to keep the local, national and international economy growing. We need to support our own family in particular and our community in general. In fact, most of us work many more hours than we would like to work. What propels us to continue working is our financial needs, commitments and obligations. Only in this way are we able to live comfortable lifestyles and save for our retirement days.

In conclusion, life places huge demands on us. By participating in a wide variety of activities, both pleasant and unpleasant, we can discover more about our unique selves and live fuller lives.

Farewell My Friends

I want to thank, most of all, the readers who have kept me going. Thank each and every one of you for reading my articles, for responding to polls, and for putting your thoughts and questions on the message boards.

I wish you all very much success in the coming year. I hope our paths cross again, but if they do not... please know that you've been a wonderful part of my life. Thank you.

May your journey be blessed.


The wind will guide you
The sun will warm you
The moon will energize you
The water will cleanse you

Your heart will keep you
Your mind will lead you
Your soul will lift you
Your body will show you

Friends will teach you
Family will support you
Leaders will inspire you
Children will admire you

Your words will enlighten
Your actions will speak
Your kindness will show
Your knowledge will grow

The wind will guide you
The sun will warm you
The moon will energize you
The water will cleanse you

The Universe will shelter you

Again, thank you for your support.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Chong Hwa Independant High School

4/1/2010!! The beginning of my secondary school life. Know lots of new friends... Cool! And... yeah, maybe I should tell you all, I am in the same class with Wilson, Ding Jie, Yenne and Jia Xuan. And sitting beside Wilson...! Good news... We're the tallest two boys in class so sit at the back.

Other than that, nothing much happened. And now the H1N1 virus isn't so dangerous anymore so the school let us use the air conditioner. Whoa... So comfortable... Study somemore ada air- cond! The studying is lots of fun, I hate nothing about it. But it'll be a tiring everyday because school finishes at 3:15p.m. except for Wednesday. And because I am going back home by bus, so I'll reach home at about 4.50p.m.!

Me and Wilson got in the school basketball team, so we'll have basketball practice on Monday and Wednesday after school. When I get back... it'll be six!! Walau... but, nvm. As long as I like it, it's ok. This is all I can tell you all.

I'll get some cool pictures and show you if I took some. My class is real FUN! And I hope so much that you can see my classmates. Goodbye...

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Westlife is back on 2010!! Listen to this... FLYING WITHOUT WINGS

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Twilight Saga ~ Eclipse Movie 2010 ~ ON CINEMAs June 30, 2010