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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Exam over... A small test waiting... Mid Year Exam

At last...
It's just five days
But it seems like it's taking ages
And so fast
The results are out
The school is giving out the report card in a few weeks time
Don't know what my parents will think about me
Anyway, everything is over
I must look forward

I'm not very satisfied with the results
Especially my Sejarah ( chinese )
I think my highest is 87.5% English
There're still some results not out so maybe that won't be the highest
I must stay focused on my studies
Those stupid results won't make me fall
Other than my basketball
There're still lots of things important
So I'll put average effort to all these activities

You are not a forever winner, kiddo
And your boasting around won't last long
Because this year
You'll be toasted!
From the start I knew you very well
Always getting haughty and proud in achiving small winnings
But none of those are gonna help you now

After this examination
Two more small test on this coming Saturday and Tuesday
Saturday we'll have arithmatic
Tuesday we'll have biology
Dunno when's our sets test
Next, after one and a half months
It's the mid year examination
There'll be lots of things to memorise again
Sejarah, Chinese, Geography...

This is what the students here are suffering from
Not pestilences...
But surprisingly from exams
And there're still many who are qualified to form 2
I know... that I can do the same
Just go in there... And win it all
Always tell yourself:
" I'm not the best of the best...
But I can't be the worst of the worst... "