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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Two Day Exam

Whoa... Exam started from today... 8:30p.m. at Ipoh Road Chong Hwa Independant High School... There are a total of 8 people going to that school, so today I met Wilson, Chen Chia, Ding Jie, Sarah, Jia Xun, Yong Qi and Wen Zheng... What a big 'family'! Same primary school, same secondary school! I call this a blessing b'cause we can meet our friends...

The exam started with the Chinese subject... an hour for objective and subjective. And then it's followed by Science... it is so so so so so tough! And at last... Bahasa Malaysia... all an hour... some people complained that the time given is tooooooo short! But I don't think so...

Tomorrow... we'll have exam again at the same place... English and MATHS! Night mare! Maths will be hard... After that, I had lunch with Wilson at school... and then sent him home. The picture above is Wilson Hon in my car... talking with the phone... harhar