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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tomorrow school exam... Today still wandering dunno where!

Haiz... not again! UPSR's over, school's exam tomorrow!! Anyway, my parents never bother about it... so that's why I can post my blog now! Now about 9:15p.m. already... only a few onlines... others maybe forced by their parents to study.

Haha...lolx! Nothing to do now b'cause too little people online. By the way, I want ask the followers of my blog, for Tuesday's 'Kajian Tempatan' exam, the scope start from from where arh?! (sry... broken english) Our "Zhao lao shi" mentioned about it but I've forgotten... So forgetful nowadays...

Now I'm thinking of learning another instrument... either the guitar or violin... aiyah! dunno lah... see first. My mum say it is enough for me to learn piano! She said that I am already a busy person. Somemore said that even if I want to learn a second instrument, it's very good, but at least I have to learn piano until Grade 8! or maybe... diploma...

Haven't make a decision... still thinking about it... my mum suggests I learn harmonica b'cause it is easy to use, small and handy. ~tata