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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Boring PJ class

Every week we having a P.J. class(shortform 'Pendidikan Jasmani). It is held on Tuesday... that means, today larh! We are only having 2 periods of that(an hour) a week. Even if the UPSR examination's over, there's no expention for that. haiz...

Our school planning to build a 5 storey buiding(i think so) to add more classes so that more pupils can study in our school next time. When it comes to this... another word, "HAIZ...!!" You know what?! The building is located just beside our basketball court and it is like chopped into half b'cause they've covered the other half of it to build that 'thing'!

Argh! but... nvm. Nothing to be angry with. Just because our 'heaven'(basketball court) is gone... Then don't know who and when moved the old one to the badminton court! There, we're not allowed to play too during P.J. period b'cause teacher say we'll disturb the standard 4 students' studies.

Aiyo... this cannot, that cannot... Somemore the place for us to have our activies most of it also gone already...("cause of building that 'thing') What to do? Today, we played a childish game lor... Is is called Monkey VS Humans. harharhar! That throwing ball game lah... but don't know why I don't feel bored when playing it, maybe it has been ages since I played the last.

Just feel a bit like malu lah... we just play like that and other students and teachers just see like that... don't know what they think. Whatever lah! Don't care... erm... all for today, bye.