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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yeah... Great Morning...

Whoa... at last, our basketball practice is on schedule... Everything is just perfect! This is my favourite morning... Me, Wilson, Grace, Glenna and Xue Yen arrived just in time. There are suppose to be 7 of us... and you know why only 5 came?!

That remaining two is Cedric and Jun-Xin. Argh... I have contacted Cedric few days ago about the basketball practice, and yet he isn't there this morning. Yesterday, I called him up again b'cause Xue Yen has no transport to the basketball court, but no one answered. Called again, engaged...

This morning when I arrived, I thought of waiting for him before we start. I told Wilson he didn't answer my call last night and know what he say? He say Cedric changed his phone number!! Cedric, I didn't say you can't do that... but not this time!

Another problem arrised. This is Jun-Xin fault... He called Grace up in the last minute and said that his mum don't allow him to go. Hey brother! I think that he ask his mum in the last minute too.

Now it isn't the rain who had destroy our plan... it is US ourselves. We didn't organise this good enough... learnt from a lesson... haiz!