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Monday, September 28, 2009

Haiz... Nothing Special Today!

Yeah... I've to admit it! Nothing special happened today. UPSR's over, all the books were finished, so teachers only teach a bit. .... A Bit! When it comes to that word, I feel very bored. Actually, to tell you the truth, I hate the days after UPSR. It is fun, but boring... Nothing to do, so day dreamed whole day. Haiz...

This coming Wednesday, our class is having a Chess Competition. Looking forward to it... Today in class, our teacher, Mdm. Chan announced about all our opponents. My opponent in the 'Chess' game is Yeow Zheng Herng! Whoa! I thought... Hope I can win him easily, for I don't know that he knows to play chess.

I understand... But, why it has to be him? Well... hard to explain my feelings... In my eyes, Zheng Herng is an irresponsible person, don't learn from his lessons, lazy, always try to act insanely, playful, don't bother about what people think about him etc.

Yeah... that's what I think about him! But I don't seem to hate him, and I don't know why. Usually I will hate this kind people... Haiz... No matter what, I don't hope to have enemies, so I thinked, and thinked... thinked about his good qualities.

Well... when doing that, I 've to admit ("AGAIN?!") that he's not too bad... Can be my friend. That's all for today, bye to my followers! See you at school tomorrow...