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Monday, September 28, 2009

Haiz... Nothing Special Today!

Yeah... I've to admit it! Nothing special happened today. UPSR's over, all the books were finished, so teachers only teach a bit. .... A Bit! When it comes to that word, I feel very bored. Actually, to tell you the truth, I hate the days after UPSR. It is fun, but boring... Nothing to do, so day dreamed whole day. Haiz...

This coming Wednesday, our class is having a Chess Competition. Looking forward to it... Today in class, our teacher, Mdm. Chan announced about all our opponents. My opponent in the 'Chess' game is Yeow Zheng Herng! Whoa! I thought... Hope I can win him easily, for I don't know that he knows to play chess.

I understand... But, why it has to be him? Well... hard to explain my feelings... In my eyes, Zheng Herng is an irresponsible person, don't learn from his lessons, lazy, always try to act insanely, playful, don't bother about what people think about him etc.

Yeah... that's what I think about him! But I don't seem to hate him, and I don't know why. Usually I will hate this kind people... Haiz... No matter what, I don't hope to have enemies, so I thinked, and thinked... thinked about his good qualities.

Well... when doing that, I 've to admit ("AGAIN?!") that he's not too bad... Can be my friend. That's all for today, bye to my followers! See you at school tomorrow...

Friday, September 25, 2009


Respect your elders if all they deserve;
Respect your servants to who you well serve;
Respect your father for tilling the soil;
Respect your mother for her love and toil.

Respect all teachers who gave you knowledge;
Respect your friend who saved you from the ledge;
Respect all good minds who advised you good;
Respect the man of God who gave soul's food.

Respect all strangers who were all Godsends;
Respect your foes who taught you self-defense;
Respect those evil man who you troubled;
Respect the tempter who well you misled.

Respect your conscience who tells you what's right;
Respect your God who is your Friend and Guide.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yeah... Great Morning...

Whoa... at last, our basketball practice is on schedule... Everything is just perfect! This is my favourite morning... Me, Wilson, Grace, Glenna and Xue Yen arrived just in time. There are suppose to be 7 of us... and you know why only 5 came?!

That remaining two is Cedric and Jun-Xin. Argh... I have contacted Cedric few days ago about the basketball practice, and yet he isn't there this morning. Yesterday, I called him up again b'cause Xue Yen has no transport to the basketball court, but no one answered. Called again, engaged...

This morning when I arrived, I thought of waiting for him before we start. I told Wilson he didn't answer my call last night and know what he say? He say Cedric changed his phone number!! Cedric, I didn't say you can't do that... but not this time!

Another problem arrised. This is Jun-Xin fault... He called Grace up in the last minute and said that his mum don't allow him to go. Hey brother! I think that he ask his mum in the last minute too.

Now it isn't the rain who had destroy our plan... it is US ourselves. We didn't organise this good enough... learnt from a lesson... haiz!

Tomorrow... basketball practice

Take note... basketball practice tomorrow at the same place(Ampang Basketball Court) . Time is from 8.30a.m.-10.00a.m. Now... this time it is held in the morning so I don't expect it to rain. But IF it really does, haiz... what can I do?

We're making use of this perfect Hari Raya holiday... so pray that it wouldn't rain AGAIN!! The stupid rain had already destroy two of our plans, so I don't hope that to happen again. NO, rain... NO! Don't dare you...

Seven are going tomorrow to the basketball court... The "one more" is Shaun. He's on holiday, maybe in Genting Highlands or Pulau Redang or... Anyway, we're going the first time without him. He is gonna regret! ah harharhar... lol

That's all for today... don't know what to post already... tata~

Monday, September 21, 2009

One more One more...

Oh sry... forgotten to add one more photo. This is Kathrina, we make fun of her by calling her "Cat Women." She wouldn't let me take a photo of her so this is what I have to do... any comments? harhar... She's kind of fat huh?

Juz came back from Genting Highlands... Had a barbeque dinner... syok lah!

Let me tell you... this is the apartment we rented at Genting View for a day... Invited many many people. Now I hope to share them with you. This morning, when we reached there, put all our things... and go window shopping at Gotong Jaya. A bit boring, but bought a bottle of chewing gum at a 7-Eleven stall.

Everyone lining up for dinner. See the lady with that purple shirt over there? That's my mum. Food is everywhere... this is our dinner. Held open air. You can't see me, I am either the photographer or hanging out with my friends.

Hey hey hey LOOK! This is what we're all enjoying. Barbeque pork with chili sauce... That's my favourite! When you see this picture, it is like you have already chewing it in your mouth or swallowed it in your stomach.

Let me introduce you to them... they are my best pals... From left to right is Jonathan, Kim Gun-Wu(korean), Coby Wong & Simon Wong. Sitting in the living room sofa talking. They don't know I've got their photo! Ah-ha...

Yeah... it is dusk now... Having fun with my pals in the apartment playground. In this photo, Coby Wong making fun with his dad's face. That's his personality, his dad won't bother about it.

We sure enjoy all ourselves at Genting Highlands. But something unlucky happened. There was no electricity supply at about 7 p.m.! It's so dark already that time and something like that happened. Anyway, we're leaving. Bye bye Genting Highlands... We'll visit you some other time...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

~Hari Raya~

Finally, the puasa month is over... all the jam is over! Hooray... Now the Hari Raya month's coming... everyone enjoying themselves, but for me, stay at HOME!! Well, when it comes talking about home... I'm sick of it.

Fine! I'm already used to it... but staying at HOME?! No way... Anyway, the traffic jams will continue for a few days, and K.L. will be cleared. And all students will be enjoying their holiday this very week.

So... Selamat Hari Raya to all Malays, or whoever who celebrates it. Take good care of yourselves, be careful wherever you go, and make sure you are strong and healthy when you come home. B'cause the A(H1N1) virus is spreading very fast...

I don't want to stay at home for this whole whole week, so my "good hearted" parents arranged to go to Genting Highlands for... A DAY?!! What's this nonsense? Well, I know I still need to be grateful... but don't you think that's too short?!

We are going there to have a barbeque dinner by the evening and perhaps watch a movie. Few of my friends were invited...

Looking forward for tomorrow's activities... Haiz...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Graaa~aacee~ Your Handphone lah!

Today after I came back from the "destroyed plan", I notice that Grace left her handphone in my car... How carelesss! Anyway, she told me to keep it. But... for the WHOLE week?!

Nevermind... I can't even use her phone b'cause it has a pin code... there's nothing to worry, Grace! I'll keep it for you until, the Hari Raya holiday week.

I Gettin' Mad!! This Stupid Rain... destroyed everything...

Again and again, the same phrase! Why me?! Why now?! It is all about the basketball practice... "AGAIN!" Ok, lets just start from the beginning...

Before I went out, drizzling... Shaun said that it is getting heavier and heavier. So we waited b'cause my mum has to take a bath and pick Shaun to the basketball court. Shaun called Wilson up to ask about the condition over there, for he is staying near the place. There is nothing, very dry... This is what Shaun told me... and they had started playing!

Good... I tought, getting very excited. Finally, my mum picked up Shaun and me to the basketball court. It seems that the rain is getting heavier and heavier. When we reached there, we saw Wilson, Xue Yen, Cedric, Grace, and her brother waiting.

Yeah... very well! My mum's mad at me now b'cause I am the one who insisted to go to the basketball court in the first place even if it is raining... Went there, nothing happen and go home. this is what I hated so so so so so much!!

As Grace's mum is teaching piano at YAMAHA (Ampang Point), so my mum has to send Shaun and Grace to Shaun's house, and then Shaun's mum will pick Grace and her brother to Ampang Point.

WHOA!! What had I done to deserve all this?! Why is the rain always destroying our plan? But if I don't go, I am irresponsible! Actually, I am part of the organiser. So, I hate it when it rains. It could be very cool, but destroys everyelse's plans.

Notice to all: Basketball practices no more on Fridays. Anytime but not on a FRIDAY!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jay Chou 2008 Capricorn Album

Taiwan pop singer Jay Chou is determined to become a force to be reckoned with in 2008. His new album "Capricorn" is due to be released on October, 2009.

Concentrating on practising magic recently, he shows his beloved magic, he appeared as a modern magician on the posters.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Arranged Basketball Practice Again...

Yeah.... There will another one held on this coming Friday... Longed for it! This time there'll be eight of us... that is me, Shaun, Jun-Xin, Kum Thung, Wilson, Grace, Glenna and Xue Yen.

Hope the rain will not destroy our plan again... There will be a basketball tournament in school, so we've to practise for that. So... to anyone who is going, set your prayers, and hope that it will not rain on this Friday.

Haiz... very bored today... Khai Yan didn't online...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Latest England Premier League Results

Everton 2-1 Wigan Athletic
Aston Villa 2-0 Fulham
Blackburn Rovers 3-1 Wolverhampton Wanderers
Liverpool 4-0 Burnley
Manchester City 4-2 Arsenal
Porthsmouth 2-3 Bolton Wanderers
Stoke City 1-2 Chelsea
Sunderland 4-1 Hull City
Wigan Athletic 1-0 West Ham United
Tottenham Hotspur 1-3 Manchester United
Birmingham City 0-1 Aston Villa
Fulham 2-1 Everton

Argh... Stupid Windows Live Messenger!

Why me?! Why now?! Want to online also cannot... Tell you what... When I opened my sign in page, my email address and password missing! I had already clicked remember my password ages ago...

Then after when I click the sign in button, a new window comes out and this is what it says: Signing in Windows Live Messenger failed because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. **** !! What on earth is this?!

WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?!! Sorry to those who are waiting for me to online... Thousand apology! tata~

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yeah... Played Basketball Today...

That Friday the basketball practice cancelled, so today arranged again. Now very tired... just came back. Although very little people went there but, still very fun. Only me, Shaun, Wilson and Grace. Glenna can't come b'cause she have to teach her two younger brothers for the exam tomorrow. Kum Thung don't know what reason cannot come. Haiz...

Arrived the basketball court at about 5 today, and when it is 6, Shaun's mum picked us home. How generous! harhar... Before that, Grace already went home... and the two of us, me and Shaun were left alone.

Managed to play basketball with some strangers. Even if we don't know them, they are quite friendly. Just played for a while and Shaun's mum arrived to pick us up. Goodbye... strangers! Sry b'cause we can't continue to play with you.

Anyway, it is a good Monday. We enjoyed ourselves very very much. Hope that we can meet like that every week. That's all for today... thanks.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sry... to (unknown)

I'm sorry, ok? Believe me, we are still friends aren't we? I don't know what I've done... Pls believe me... sry... Maybe I hurt your feelings, but if you wouldn't tell me, how am I gonna know?

Listen, I've never disliked you before... Hope you can understand this. I didn't meant to say that! I don't know what's happening to me. Said all those that means bad to you. Or someone, something is trying to destroyed our friendship.

I apologised for what I've done wrong. I'll do anything to be your friend. Hoped I treat you better last time. Anyway, it's over... forgive me...

Haiz... boring Friday...

Haiz... I arranged a basketball practice on last Friday. Six of us, that is : Me, Shaun, Grace, Wilson, Glenna and Cedric. I and Grace are goin' to meet at Shaun's house... Cedric's picking us to the basketball court. Wilson and Glenna will go by themselves. But...

It rained... drizzling non stop. We waited and waited but it is useless. Called Cedric up, but dunno who picked up the phone and said that he's sleepin'! Whoa... if I didn't misunderstand. Heavy rain... so, basketball practice cancelled. That's our unlucky day. Why me? Why now?!

At the end, we play P.S. at Shaun's house. Grace online using Shaun's computer... When it's 6:45p.m., my dad came to pick me back home. Finally, everything ended like that. That stupid rain destroyed my plan...

What A Boring Friday! planned everything... destroyed... !

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sitting for UPSR at hospitals

Kuala Lumpur: Two students with Influenza A(H1N1) symptoms are among the 517,908 candidates nationwide who will be sitting for the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah (UPSR) examination beginning today. (Tuesday)

Education director-general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom said preparations had been made for the two, one in Johor and the other in Penang, to sit for the examination in hospitals.

He said this was among measures taken to curb the spread of Influenza A(H1N1) among UPSR candidates who will sit for the examination at 8, 289 centres nationwide.

The Education Ministry had also allocated about RM5mil for items like masks, hand sanitizers and thermometres for UPSR candidates, he said yesterday.

He said an isolation room was also made available at all the examination centres to accommodate those who are found to have fever during screening which will be conducted upon their arrival at their respective centres.

Alimuddin said a total of 32,944 inviligators would be placed at UPSR examination centres this year.

Of the total 517,908 registered candidates sitting for the UPSR examination, 510,125 or 98.5% are from schools under the Education Ministry and the government-aided schools, while the remaining 7,7783 students or 1.5% are from private schools.

Meanwhile, there was no Influenza A(H1N1) death for the fourth consecutive day and the death toll remained at 73 since last Thursday.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

MaLaYSia’S iNDePeNDeNCe DaY: 31st auGuST 2009

Happy birthday Malaysia!

May we live together happily...

May there be less jam on the road

May there be more good news from the government...

May there be more business opportunities...

May there be no more economic downturns...

May there be petrol price drops...

From Curtis