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Friday, January 15, 2010

You guys "syok" lah! SMK only from Monday till Friday... Chong Hwa Saturday kena go back study!

Wah... tomorrow no school, the number of people online increased compared to yesterday night. How about me?! I've to go to school six days a week. But tomorrow syok sikit. We have a school opening ceremony. "Walau...! Go to school also must celebrate...?!! =="

So the time for the boring lessons will be lessened. Very good! I love my new school... I love my new classmates... I hate NOT a bit about it. Except for the lessons... Especially the Sejarah Malay teacher. We call her Cikgu Habibah... What a funny name... Habibah. I think you are thinking what I am thinking... the -bibah read from the back... haha. No lah just joking... ^^ And pls just look carefully at the word H-A-B-I-B-A-H... Now try to put the letters from the back till the front. ...... done? haha! It's the same... So that's why I said that it's a strange name. Weird!

My PJ class teacher is a little fat. Like the former one... haha. Cikgu Soo... no lah... My Eng and Maths teacher is the youngest... the oldest one is Chinese... there's only one word to describe her... See until vomit...! == Aiyoh... too bad liao! Others medium medium punya... Oh, forgot ada one more. My Science teacher. She's from China... Most people from China have the Chinese strong accent right? But this one ok lah, can understand... Although she talks very fast.

Other than that... no more. Looking forward to tomorrow's school opening ceremony. That's all for today. Bye!