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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Spend The Whole Day At Plaza Rakyat & Pudu...

It's a tiring day today... Came back from Pudu today at 4 something p.m.... Took a nice hot water bath, and watched TV... Ate dinner... on9... Update blog...

Today my mum took me to Pudu Tung Shin Hospital to do a body checkup at the tradisional department... Today very 'cham'... B'cause my mum doesn't know the way to Pudu + the traffic jam she is scared of, so we go to Pudu by LRT... And we left the house at 9:30 in the morning! So early...! When we reach the LRT station, no parking space! So my mum has to drive the car and park it in Kampung Melayu, cross the road, and walk all the way to LRT station.

Today... I've been to Times Square too. Not for shopping arh! My mum wants to redeem a new bottle for me at the Cosway shop b'cause I've lost my former one. Then we waked again... to Pudu Plaza, shopped for a while... and then walk to the optical shop where I make my glasses... (Yan Leong) Heard of this name before?! It's so rare in Malaysia... Not like England Optical or Focus Point...

Whoa... so much walking and exercise... and at last... we came back the the Ampang station... and drove a car home... "Home Sweet Home!" I missed my computer so much...! haha lolx

If I didn't go to Pudu today, you all will see me online even earlier... haiz... nvm lah! Forget abot it lah! tata~