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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Graduation (growing up)

Graduation is a huge step
Not only for you
Your friends and your family
Don’t know what to do.
Will you keep in touch?
Will you call them every day?
Or will all of their memories,
Simply fade away?
Graduation is adrenaline,
It gets the heart a racing
But your poor folks feel stressed,
Soon they’ll start the pacing.
But knowing you tells me that you will never forget
Your primary school years you will never regret
I know…..
That you will call your family
You'll let them know you’re okay.
Even if you feel like it’s been a shitty day
Your friends will be close by you will surely keep in touch
For simply letting go would be a deadly punch

You will be remembered, your greatness will remain
For you have never caused, aggression, hate, or pain.
I write this to you now to show you that I care,
And also that I’m glad that you are always there.