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Friday, October 2, 2009

Went to my my future secondary school...^^

Want to know which school am I goin for secondary? It is the Chong Hwa Independant High School located in Ipoh Road. Whoa... That far?!?! It isn't my idea to go there, it is b'cause of my mum. She wants me to continue my Chinese...That's why.

Harhar... our school had an arrangement to visit Chong Hwa, so 44 standard 6 students plus 2 teachers in charge(if i've not mistaken)went to that school today by bus. Hrm...^^ Feeling very proud of my secondary school. Huge, cool, nice, beautiful, and well... thousand more of adjectives.

Visited every corner of the school... very happy and proud. About 10 something, went to the school canteen to "makan". Whoa! Delicious... I ate "prawn mee", noy spicy but the soup was boiling HOT!! Made me sweat when I eat...damn.

End for today... bye.