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Monday, October 5, 2009

Having problems... How to slove it?!?!

Our school arranging a something like 'fun fair' thing on November 7th(i think so). My class making a haunted house... Whoa!...is the first thing that came up in my mind. There are so many things to do but why make a haunted house?! That's a lot of work... Anyway, the so called computer professional and organiser of the whole haunted house 'thing' named Zheng Herng said it is all planned. A genius, Indeed!

Teacher said that we 6M class is a GROUP, but, surprisingly, I don't seem to do anything for that haunted house plan. To describe me, I'm just like a bored guy sitting beside the gang listening...maybe... Nothing at ALL! One more word, Useless!

However, we've planned another plan. Me, Wilson and other so called teammates are forming a group to sell something. A stall that is running a 2 in 1 (food&games)plan. I'm looking forward to it... hope we'll success. We still don't know what to sell. Actually, we should have make that decision ages ago! Well, just see how's it runnin'.

We had a problem. It isn't so good to say it in my blog b'cause my friends maybe will get angry. Sry! It's kind of enemy thing. Three members in my group not 'ngam'(cantonese) with each other so they said that they couldn't worl along well. haiz...

I'm trying to solve this problem as early as possible. Just to tell anyone who is included in what I said up there that every member in the group is very important. We can't loose any of them! That's all for today, bye.