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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Two Day Exam

Whoa... Exam started from today... 8:30p.m. at Ipoh Road Chong Hwa Independant High School... There are a total of 8 people going to that school, so today I met Wilson, Chen Chia, Ding Jie, Sarah, Jia Xun, Yong Qi and Wen Zheng... What a big 'family'! Same primary school, same secondary school! I call this a blessing b'cause we can meet our friends...

The exam started with the Chinese subject... an hour for objective and subjective. And then it's followed by Science... it is so so so so so tough! And at last... Bahasa Malaysia... all an hour... some people complained that the time given is tooooooo short! But I don't think so...

Tomorrow... we'll have exam again at the same place... English and MATHS! Night mare! Maths will be hard... After that, I had lunch with Wilson at school... and then sent him home. The picture above is Wilson Hon in my car... talking with the phone... harhar

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This Saturday & Sunday... EXAM!

Whoa... getting really really nervous... b'cause this weekend I'm going to have an entrance exam at Chong Hwa Independant High School. 'Gila'! My mum asks me to do all the exercise given... and revise all of them in a few days time! OMG...! But, trying hard... haiz?!?!

All those stupid execises came from a pink coloured book... bought from the school! There are all those pass year series inside... from year 2005-2006 for EVERY subject... anyway... I Knew that it's gonna be easy b'cause there are two more subjects left! harhar... SYOK!

Here... I also want to apologise to all my friends... It's ages since I last use the computer! After this entrance exam... it'll be over... bye bye to all ~ tata

Monday, October 26, 2009

2009 Malaysia VS Manchester United 3-2 (Asia Tour)

Halo 3 ODST Live Trailer

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Children's Day '09 ~ Last Year!

Haiz... sad to say... Happy times will always end! This is the last year for me to celebrate Children's Day. Next year secondary school 'liao'... So this is some of the screenshots of my class celebrating Children's Day. This will always be a wonderful memory when we look back in the future... I wouldn't forget my friends! Keep in touch... bye

Friday, October 16, 2009

Enough! ==

Stop it both of you... I don't want to see two of my friends argue and quarrel with each other!! I hate to know about this 'violent' scene! ENOUGH...! Can't you 2 just calm down, talk politely and 'repair' your friendship?!?! Why you all must use this way?! Scolding each other in blogs...

Everyone's imperfect in this world... everyone makes mistake everyday... everyone has weakness and something to hate about... So don't! Don't always complain about other people... before you do that, look in the mirror. I'm not saying that you two are bad... Just want you to know that love is far more better than hate. This is all I have to say to you both.

After reading this... think again... think about the other person's good qualities instead of bad ones... And you can be friends again. Thanks...

Listen to this Michael Jackson Beat It song translated into Chinese! It's crazy...

Finally School Exam's over... ^^

Whooooo~Hooooooo.....! "Syok arh!" All exam's for this year is OVER finally. Celebrating this moment. Everyone's like a bird freed from a cage... (translated from chinese) Now exam's over... nothing to post 'liao'... haiz... Just looking forward to the Children's Day on this month.

This is the last year in primary school, so of course it is sad to say that I am leaving my 'brothers' in school. This morning there was a KFC essay writing competition in my school. Everyone MUST participate. The title of essay given is "My Best Friend/My Buddy". It says that the essay couldn't be more than 200 words. Our English teacher, Mdm. Lim, asked us to count how much we wrote and write it at the bottom of the paper. But when I counted the first page, it's still below 200 words. But until the second page, "Whoa!!" I thought... it has reached to over than 300 words... wow!

argh... Well, I think I can't win one of the prizes anymore. B'cause I didn't follow the instructions given. haiz... 'suan liao' tata~

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

OMG ~ Impossible Thing Happening

This post is for this week's school exam... omg! Before the Maths 2 (chinese) examination the other classmates keep on asking teacher to announce the that got an A for the chinese subject.

There are 2 students who got 38 questions correct out of 40. And to my surprise, one of them is Grace! "walau A" After that, the marks anounced gettin' lower and lower, until 32 correct out of 40. Omg! I thought, b'cause I'm gonna get a B! I didn't hear my name... So... Haiz... hard to tell. Getting worried, so I've no mood in my second exam today. I rather fail all the subjects! swt

Aiyah... I try not to think about it, b'cause the more I think, the more I get worried. Well, my chinese isn't that good anyway, so it is normal to get marks that low?!?! Trying of consolating myself... but actually, I don't feel it like that in my mind!

Really... really... I must work harder. In secondary school, more challenges are awaiting for me... Lots of lots of homework in the future... Cannot online that often already... haiz... this is the Malaysian life.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tomorrow school exam... Today still wandering dunno where!

Haiz... not again! UPSR's over, school's exam tomorrow!! Anyway, my parents never bother about it... so that's why I can post my blog now! Now about 9:15p.m. already... only a few onlines... others maybe forced by their parents to study.

Haha...lolx! Nothing to do now b'cause too little people online. By the way, I want ask the followers of my blog, for Tuesday's 'Kajian Tempatan' exam, the scope start from from where arh?! (sry... broken english) Our "Zhao lao shi" mentioned about it but I've forgotten... So forgetful nowadays...

Now I'm thinking of learning another instrument... either the guitar or violin... aiyah! dunno lah... see first. My mum say it is enough for me to learn piano! She said that I am already a busy person. Somemore said that even if I want to learn a second instrument, it's very good, but at least I have to learn piano until Grade 8! or maybe... diploma...

Haven't make a decision... still thinking about it... my mum suggests I learn harmonica b'cause it is easy to use, small and handy. ~tata

Friday, October 9, 2009

My Favourite Channel ~ The Mentalist

This crime drama from David Nutter (Supernatural, Without a Trace) centers on Patrick Jane, a well-known former television psychic who, after being exposed to a fraud, uses his very real abilities as a mentalist to help the California Bureau of Investigation solve crimes. As a mentalist, Jane uses his highly developed skills of observation, deduction, and manipulation to aid the Serious Crimes unit. He's charismatic, if a bit odd - an edgy, modern Sherlock Holmes whose comtroversial methods often cross the line, but, ultimately, prove him right. Teresa Lisbon is a top agent with the CBI who often works with Jane.

Though she grudgingly recognizes his talents, she is determined to solve cases with/without him. The lead character Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) aka the 'Mentalist' plays a 'psychic' comsultant for a serious crime unit headed by Lisbon (played Robin Tunny, "Prison Break") along with the rest of the cast, Cho (Tim Kang "Rambo"), Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) and Rigby (Owain Yeoman "Nine"). But Patrick is no psychic, he relies upon acute observation and a penchant for playing mind games with the 'suspects' (and other members of the unit) to solve the case.

Today... cancled

Actually today we also arranged a basketball practice but drizzling... so scared later heavy rain... didn't go lorh. Don't know whether they reached already or not. Me and Shaun aren't going... b'cause later if we go, but raining heavily, will "kena marah".

Aiyah... very boring wat, so online lor... and that time, I posted this paragraph. haha! swt bye

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Who Did It?!?! I'll kill him...

Today when we all are having computer class, teacher say he let us unrestrained... just b'cause we've finished all our lessons and the whole computer book. Teacher let us online lor... very fun. He let us use the facebook and anything we like except You Tube. He say that if we watch the video it'll affect the whole internet connection of the class. haiz... nvm lah!

But after that, don't know which good-for-nothing, stupid, brainless guy go and pull the link cable so teacher can't connect to us. Argh! So, as a result, he DISCONNECTED all our internet connection. I hate it sssoooooooooooooooooo........... MUCH! If I know who did that? 'argh.....' You know what will I do lah!

Aiyah... don't know lah... bye!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Boring PJ class

Every week we having a P.J. class(shortform 'Pendidikan Jasmani). It is held on Tuesday... that means, today larh! We are only having 2 periods of that(an hour) a week. Even if the UPSR examination's over, there's no expention for that. haiz...

Our school planning to build a 5 storey buiding(i think so) to add more classes so that more pupils can study in our school next time. When it comes to this... another word, "HAIZ...!!" You know what?! The building is located just beside our basketball court and it is like chopped into half b'cause they've covered the other half of it to build that 'thing'!

Argh! but... nvm. Nothing to be angry with. Just because our 'heaven'(basketball court) is gone... Then don't know who and when moved the old one to the badminton court! There, we're not allowed to play too during P.J. period b'cause teacher say we'll disturb the standard 4 students' studies.

Aiyo... this cannot, that cannot... Somemore the place for us to have our activies most of it also gone already...("cause of building that 'thing') What to do? Today, we played a childish game lor... Is is called Monkey VS Humans. harharhar! That throwing ball game lah... but don't know why I don't feel bored when playing it, maybe it has been ages since I played the last.

Just feel a bit like malu lah... we just play like that and other students and teachers just see like that... don't know what they think. Whatever lah! Don't care... erm... all for today, bye.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Having problems... How to slove it?!?!

Our school arranging a something like 'fun fair' thing on November 7th(i think so). My class making a haunted house... Whoa!...is the first thing that came up in my mind. There are so many things to do but why make a haunted house?! That's a lot of work... Anyway, the so called computer professional and organiser of the whole haunted house 'thing' named Zheng Herng said it is all planned. A genius, Indeed!

Teacher said that we 6M class is a GROUP, but, surprisingly, I don't seem to do anything for that haunted house plan. To describe me, I'm just like a bored guy sitting beside the gang listening...maybe... Nothing at ALL! One more word, Useless!

However, we've planned another plan. Me, Wilson and other so called teammates are forming a group to sell something. A stall that is running a 2 in 1 (food&games)plan. I'm looking forward to it... hope we'll success. We still don't know what to sell. Actually, we should have make that decision ages ago! Well, just see how's it runnin'.

We had a problem. It isn't so good to say it in my blog b'cause my friends maybe will get angry. Sry! It's kind of enemy thing. Three members in my group not 'ngam'(cantonese) with each other so they said that they couldn't worl along well. haiz...

I'm trying to solve this problem as early as possible. Just to tell anyone who is included in what I said up there that every member in the group is very important. We can't loose any of them! That's all for today, bye.

I Hate You ~ sharing

I hate the way you dress
I hate that you are a mess
I hate you eyes
I hate your lies.

I hate it when you talk
I hate the way you walk
I hate your smile
I hate your style.

I hate your arms
I hate your charms
I hate you face
I hate your place.

I hate your hands
I hate your plans
I hate the way you think
I hate it when you drink.

I hate when you call
I hate it all
I hate it that you are true
I hate you when I'm blue.

I hate you when you sleep
I hate you very deep
I hate the way you kiss
I hate to be like this.

I hate your touch
I hate you much
I hate myself more
I hate that's you I adore.

I hate, I don't hate you a bit
I hate, I will have to admit
I don't hate you, not even small
I don't you at all.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Went to my my future secondary school...^^

Want to know which school am I goin for secondary? It is the Chong Hwa Independant High School located in Ipoh Road. Whoa... That far?!?! It isn't my idea to go there, it is b'cause of my mum. She wants me to continue my Chinese...That's why.

Harhar... our school had an arrangement to visit Chong Hwa, so 44 standard 6 students plus 2 teachers in charge(if i've not mistaken)went to that school today by bus. Hrm...^^ Feeling very proud of my secondary school. Huge, cool, nice, beautiful, and well... thousand more of adjectives.

Visited every corner of the school... very happy and proud. About 10 something, went to the school canteen to "makan". Whoa! Delicious... I ate "prawn mee", noy spicy but the soup was boiling HOT!! Made me sweat when I eat...damn.

End for today... bye.