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Friday, September 18, 2009

I Gettin' Mad!! This Stupid Rain... destroyed everything...

Again and again, the same phrase! Why me?! Why now?! It is all about the basketball practice... "AGAIN!" Ok, lets just start from the beginning...

Before I went out, drizzling... Shaun said that it is getting heavier and heavier. So we waited b'cause my mum has to take a bath and pick Shaun to the basketball court. Shaun called Wilson up to ask about the condition over there, for he is staying near the place. There is nothing, very dry... This is what Shaun told me... and they had started playing!

Good... I tought, getting very excited. Finally, my mum picked up Shaun and me to the basketball court. It seems that the rain is getting heavier and heavier. When we reached there, we saw Wilson, Xue Yen, Cedric, Grace, and her brother waiting.

Yeah... very well! My mum's mad at me now b'cause I am the one who insisted to go to the basketball court in the first place even if it is raining... Went there, nothing happen and go home. this is what I hated so so so so so much!!

As Grace's mum is teaching piano at YAMAHA (Ampang Point), so my mum has to send Shaun and Grace to Shaun's house, and then Shaun's mum will pick Grace and her brother to Ampang Point.

WHOA!! What had I done to deserve all this?! Why is the rain always destroying our plan? But if I don't go, I am irresponsible! Actually, I am part of the organiser. So, I hate it when it rains. It could be very cool, but destroys everyelse's plans.

Notice to all: Basketball practices no more on Fridays. Anytime but not on a FRIDAY!!