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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Haiz... boring Friday...

Haiz... I arranged a basketball practice on last Friday. Six of us, that is : Me, Shaun, Grace, Wilson, Glenna and Cedric. I and Grace are goin' to meet at Shaun's house... Cedric's picking us to the basketball court. Wilson and Glenna will go by themselves. But...

It rained... drizzling non stop. We waited and waited but it is useless. Called Cedric up, but dunno who picked up the phone and said that he's sleepin'! Whoa... if I didn't misunderstand. Heavy rain... so, basketball practice cancelled. That's our unlucky day. Why me? Why now?!

At the end, we play P.S. at Shaun's house. Grace online using Shaun's computer... When it's 6:45p.m., my dad came to pick me back home. Finally, everything ended like that. That stupid rain destroyed my plan...

What A Boring Friday! planned everything... destroyed... !