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Saturday, February 27, 2010

You mean it right? Read this!

"This is the first time
And the last time
The purpose is to show my unsatisfaction in my heart
If it's kept inside
I'll have despression... It's a matter of time"

I am sure that you all are familiar with this post...
It is the beginning of someone's
Translated so that it isn't so obvious to let him/her know
but in the end... He/She'll still realise

I'm not sure that whether you are talking about me
But my heart tells me you are
Everything behind your words... your thoughts... the truth behind it
Is anger... jealousy... humiliation...
You think what you contributed
Didn't get what it's suppose to
You think what you contributed
Isn't worth to
You regreted deeply

You hated me than anyone else do
You think that I'm always the reason
for your failure
Now listen!
This isn't a counsel
This is the way I express my thoughts
and the impression of you in my very heart

In all this years
I gave submission
Doing the things I hate the most
Doing things for YOU unwillingly
I've endured sooo long... AGES!

It isn't you I hate
It's your attitude
Always think that you're the best of the best
Always think that you're a model for others
Always think that you better than me!!
So what? Who cares about it...?!
We're in a huge world, kiddo!
And you're just a micro part of it
What makes you go to the top of the mountain?

You're a good-for-nothing creature
A failure...
A bad example for everyone!
And you don't even have the right to wash my feet...
So do you have the right to counsel me like that?
What makes you better than me?
What makes you the best of the best?
What makes you the top student?
What's given you the right to boast around?
What the hell are you to exist in this world,

Don't make me turn against you
Don't make me hate you more than before
Don't make me do the things I hated most!
Don't FORCE me...
There's a limit for my endurence
And I've had enough
When it's time
You're 'dead meat'

Farewell, looser!
You're no more better than a beast
Admit it
People will hate you like 'they' do last time
And even people you think are 'best friends' will turn against you slowly
Watch your behavior
Or not you'll regret in your whole life


Everything is fullfilling faster then everrrr...
My prediction is always cccoorrectt!