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Monday, August 16, 2010

嚴爵 我喜歡, 不我愛 (献给女友的一首歌)

我喜歡, 不我愛


我喜歡妳的眼 看著我的眼
我喜歡妳的臉 貼著我的臉

我喜歡妳的手 牽著我的手
我喜歡妳的口 吻著我的口
時間在改變 妳不要改變

因為我很愛妳 不想要妳放棄愛情
我愛妳 真的是很愛妳 所以想

時間在改變 妳不要改變

因為我很愛妳 不想要妳放棄愛情
我愛妳 真的是很愛妳 所以想

因為我很愛妳 不想要妳放棄愛情
我愛妳 真的是很愛妳 所以想

因為我很愛妳 不想要妳放棄愛情
我愛妳 真的是很愛妳 所以想

Friday, August 6, 2010

"I loved you..."

I loved you, and I probably still do,
And for a while the feeling may remain...
But let my love no longer trouble you,
I do not wish to cause you any pain.
I loved you; and the hopelessness I knew,
The jealousy, the shyness - though in vain -
Made up a love so tender and so true
As may God grant you to be loved again.

I ne'er was struck before that hour
With love so sudden and so sweet,
Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower
And stole my heart away complete.
My face turned pale as deadly pale.
My legs refused to walk away,
And when she looked, what could I ail?
My life and all seemed turned to clay.

And then my blood rushed to my face
And took my eyesight quite away,
The trees and bushes round the place
Seemed midnight at noonday.
I could not see a single thing,
Words from my eyes did start --
They spoke as chords do from the string,
And blood burnt round my heart.

Are flowers the winter's choice?
Is love's bed always snow?
She seemed to hear my silent voice,
Not love's appeals to know.
I never saw so sweet a face
As that I stood before.
My heart has left its dwelling-place
And can return no more

i carry your heart with me

i carry your heart with me i carry it in
my heart i am never without it anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling
i fear
no fate for you are my fate, my sweet i want
no world for beautiful you are my world, my true
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart i carry it in my heart

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Doggie

She sat on the sliding cushion,
The dear, wee woman of four;
Her feet, in their shiny slippers,
Hung dangling over the floor.
She meant to be good; she had promised,
And so with her big, brown eyes,
She stared at the meetinghouse windows
And counted the crawling flies.

She looked far up at the preacher,
But she thought of the honeybees
Droning away at the blossoms
That whitened the cherry trees.
She thought of a broken basket,
Where curled in a dusky heap,
Four sleek, round puppies, with fringy ears.
Lay snuggled and fast asleep.

Such soft, warm bodies to cuddle,
Such queer little hearts to beat,
Such swift round tongues to kiss,
Such sprawling, cushiony feet;
She could feel in her clasping fingers
The touch of the satiny skin,
And a cold, wet nose exploring
The dimples under her chin.

Then a sudden ripple of laughter
Ran over the parted lips
So quick that she could not catch it
With her rosy finger-tips.
The people whispered “Bless the child,”
As each one waked from a nap,
But the dear, wee woman hid her face
For shame in her mother’s lap.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Jay Chou Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi piano cha qu

Friday, July 23, 2010

读书 责任还是兴趣 (我的自由论坛讲稿)

今天自由论坛的题目是“读书 责任还是兴趣?”。我认为读书是兴趣。兴趣,可以最大限度的发挥人的主观能动性,而且符合当今社会追求自由平等个性的以人为本宗旨,是忠于理想忠于信仰的体现。











Why is it important to set goals?

Having a goal enables you to focus your energies on devising ways to achieve it. When someone makes a decision and begins focusing on achieving a specific goal (and even better in a specific period of time), the powerful subconscious mind goes to work and begins playing with ideas and developing strategies of various ways to bring about the successful completion of the goal.

When you set yourself a goal both your conscious and subconscious start working on it and begin to develop an action plan. You will find you begin asking yourself questions about what needs to be done to enable you to reach your goal. You may find yourselves coming up with amazing ideas and solutions to problems or obstacles that have been in the way of achieving your goal. Solutions and ideas that you are surprised you ever thought of may start popping into your mind.

Our subconscious is an extremely powerful tool. The more often you remind yourself of your goal, the more your mind will work on ways for you to achieve it. Some people find answers come to them when they are asleep and dreaming.

Have you ever noticed that there is no correlation between being wealthy and having a high IQ or a university degree? If there were, every doctor and university graduate would be wealthy, and as statistics show, most of them end up in the same situation as 95% of the population.

The main thing that the majority of independently wealthy people have in common is that they have set goals for themselves and achieved them. They invest time in reading and learning about wealth creation and are happy to learn from other people’s mistakes and experiences, as well as their own. They set goals, and realise that they will be far better able to achieve them if they familiarise themselves with the ways in which other people acted and the things that others have done to succeed. Wealthy people create wealth by carefully utilising the income that they have available to them to their best advantage. They know that working harder and longer hours is not the way to achieve financial freedom, instead they have to utilise what they have, and make it grow.

Setting Goals.

When you begin to work out your goals you need to make them as specific as possible. A vague idea or generalization like “I want to buy investment properties and become wealthy” is not enough. You need to be much more detailed. “I want to own my first investment property within six months. I will save for the legal and bank fees, and borrow 100% of the value of the property. I will find an extremely well priced, three bedroom brick veneer house that is close to schools and shopping centres. It will be either brand new or less than ten years old. It will be structurally sound, and require a minimal amount of maintenance. I will find a good agent to manage it, who has a lot of experience and will find me a good tenant.”

This is a specific goal, and you could add a lot more to it. Because your goal is specific your mind immediately begins to ask questions such as “How much money will I need for the fees and charges? How much does that relate to if I break it down on a weekly basis? Will I have to look at my current expenses to see where I need to cut back so as to make up the difference for the amount I need to save?” Specific goals help you to create specific, realistic action plans and as the old saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.

You will find that if you write down your goals on a piece of paper, and put it in a prominent position, so that you will read it often, your subconscious as well as your conscious mind will start asking questions and coming up with answers, and you will find that you have already begun to take the necessary steps to achieving your goal. It is helpful to have a series of goals, ranging from daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, ten yearly and thirty to forty yearly. You can always refine and change your goals as time goes on and situations change.

You may find that it is easier to start at the 40-year mark, and then work backwards. Try to work out what steps would be needed to achieve your 40-year goal, and spread them out over the different time spans, to what you would need to achieve to end up with the final result.

Try to make your goals realistic and achievable. Do not set a goal that is too hard. Set lots of small, easily achievable goals and work step by step to achieve your road to success. Stay positive. Believe in yourself and your abilities to succeed, even if other people patronise you or try to put you off, or tell you there is no point.

Setting and achieving goals help you to create a stronger character. It is always helpful to remember that our brain cannot entertain both positive and negative thoughts at the same time. If you stay positive you will dispel negative thought patterns. Even if you come across little obstacles that get in the way of your goals, don’t give up. Focus on finding a solution, rather than focusing on the problem – utilise a positive response. Focusing on finding solutions enables you to put your brain to work, to find ways around things. If you just see an obstacle as a problem and just accept that life has dealt you a blow, and let it stop you in your tracks, then you will never learn and grow. Remember that children learn to walk by falling over. Focus on the long-term achievements that you want to fulfill, and it will be easier to overcome your problems.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Twilight Saga Eclipse


Up 100% in popularity this week.
Director: David Slade
Writers (WGA): Melissa Rosenberg (screenplay) Stephenie Meyer (novel)
Release Date: 8 July 2010 (Malaysia)
Genre: Drama Fantasy Romance

Tagline: It all begins ... With a choice
As a string of mysterious killings grips Seattle, Bella, whose high school graduation is fast approaching, is forced to choose between her love for vampire Edward and her friendship with werewolf Jacob.

Plot Summary for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)

Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob -- knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life. Written by Summit Entertainment

Isabella Swan was a normal teenage girl, in a normal world. Until she met Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. Since then she has been up against a Sadistic Vampire, The Volturi and an angry werewolf, Paul. But what lies ahead is something only Edward's 'brother', Jasper Hale, can help the Cullens with. A Newborn Vampire Army created by a Revenge ridden Victoria for what Edward did to her mate, James. 'Mate for Mate' as Victoria sees it. But what she doesn't know is the Cullens have a secret on their side. With Graduation coming fast, Bella gets more and more worried about becoming immortal and the fight. But the real question is: Who will she choose? Written by Jemma From England

Bella and Edward have been reunited, but their forbidden relationship is threatened to be torn apart again with an evil vampire still seeking her revenge. And Bella is forced to choose between her true love for Edward or her friendship with Jacob Black as the struggles between vampires and werewolves continues. But there is still another choice for Bella to make, mortality or immortality? Written by Mel from the United Kingdom.

After the vote about her becoming immortal, Bella realizes graduation isn't too far away and starts to panic. But she has bigger problems arising, her feelings for Jacob, his feelings for her and Victoria. The vampire who is trying to take revenge on her for Edward killing her James. Written by Leslie Cullen

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lakers vs Celtics NBA finals game 7

Sunday, June 13, 2010

周杰伦蔡依林贴身热舞 打破两人不和传言


网易娱乐6月14日报道 (图/文 台湾报道组 蔡世伟报道) 周杰伦巡回演唱会台北场昨日(6月13日)在惊讶声中结束,在前两场只让公司旗下子弟兵担任表演嘉宾,最后一场先是让原来只是来观赏表演的台湾台语歌后江蕙,现场演唱一小段《落雨声》。在安可曲《给我一首歌的时间》时,绯闻女友蔡依林更从台下冒出,两人一搭一唱,大跳贴身热舞,引来全场大声尖叫。
不过,最让全场粉丝与媒体惊讶的,就是当周杰伦唱着表定安可曲《给我一首歌的时间》时,唱着唱着突然间周董大喊:“让我们欢迎,特别来宾,蔡依林!” 绯闻女友蔡依林本人竟从舞台最前方乘着升降梯缓缓上升,引来现场歌迷整晚最大声的尖叫。两人台上亲密热舞,眉来眼去,一幕蔡依林贴在周杰伦身上,两人身体紧贴,面对面,双唇相距不到5公分的距离,让现场尖叫声不断。即使睽违多年不同台,然而两人一搭一唱默契十足,宛如数年前《J1演唱会》场景再现。

Monday, June 7, 2010















Sunday, June 6, 2010

Very Funny Pepsi Commercial

Friday, June 4, 2010

NBA Finals Lakers VS Celtics latest news

Ron Artest and Paul Pierce went back-to-back with their elbows locked, both unwilling to yield even an inch underneath the hoop. The veteran forwards crashed to the court together and got up looking to rumble, earning double technical fouls.

And that was just in the first 27 seconds.

This NBA finals rematch was rough from the opening tumble, but Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol made sure the Los Angeles Lakers landed the first shot on the Boston Celtics.

Bryant scored 30 points, Gasol had 23 points and 14 rebounds, and defending champion Los Angeles got tough in a 102-89 victory over Boston in Game 1 on Thursday night.

Artest scored 15 points after his tangle with Pierce in the opening minute of the 12th finals meeting between the NBA's most scintillating rivals. It was the opening salvo in a gritty physical effort against the Celtics, who memorably pushed around the Lakers while winning their 2008 finals matchup in six games.

The Lakers are the champs now, and they're not giving it up without a tussle or two.

"I knew it was going to be physical. That's a given," Gasol said. "After consecutive finals, we understand the nature of the game. We understand who our rival is, how they play. You've got to compete, and you've got to match that physicality, that aspect of the game to be successful."
Pierce scored 24 points and Kevin Garnett added 16 after a slow start for the Celtics, who might not want to know Lakers coach Phil Jackson's teams in Los Angeles and Chicago have won 47 straight playoff series after winning Game 1.

"I wish I had put it in the bank, so to speak," said Jackson, the 10-time champion. "We've got to play this out. ... Our defense stiffened at various points in the game, was very effective. We've got a lot of work ahead of us, but it's nice to know that (the 47-0 streak) is on our side."

Game 2 is Sunday night at Staples Center.

If the first 48 minutes of the rematch are any indication, this series again will be a knockdown, drag-out physical confrontation - and the supposedly finesse-oriented Lakers held their ground early, leaving the Celtics frustrated after giving up 100 points for just the second time in their last 10 games.
"They were the more physical team by far," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said. "They were more aggressive. They attacked us the entire night. I didn't think we handled it very well."
Ray Allen scored 12 points in just 27 minutes, saddled with constant foul trouble while trying to guard Bryant. Pierce also picked up early fouls, while Garnett simply struggled, going 7 for 16 from the field and grabbing just four rebounds - even inexplicably missing an open layup with 5 1/2 minutes to play.
That's mostly because of Gasol, the Spanish 7-footer determined to assert himself after admittedly getting pushed around by Garnett two years ago. Gasol capped a strong game by sprinting downcourt and catching a long pass in stride for a dunk with 6:21 to play.

"Pau played a big game tonight," Jackson said. "I thought they did a good job on him in the post, but his movement and his activity was important."

After Artest and Pierce got wrapped up, the mood didn't improve much in a game featuring 54 fouls. But Bryant's playmaking and the Lakers' inside advantages drove them to a 20-point lead after three quarters before surviving Boston's final run.

The Lakers' aggressiveness was reflected in 10 free throws apiece for Bryant and Gasol, who made 16 of them, along with steady guard penetration from Bryant, Derek Fisher and backups Jordan Farmar and Shannon Brown. Bryant also praised the defensive effort of Artest, whose block on Glen Davis triggered the fast break that led to Gasol's dynamic dunk.

"I think he does a great job for us of setting the tone defensively with his intensity and with his energy," said Bryant, who greeted Artest with a hug after that block. "I was just letting him know it was well appreciated."

Los Angeles outrebounded the Celtics 42-31 and put up a strong shooting percentage until a fourth-quarter slump, again excelling at the their two biggest areas of strength in this postseason. The Celtics' ostensible strengths - toughness, defense and veteran savvy - weren't so much in evidence.

Rajon Rondo had 13 points - just three in the second half - and eight assists for Boston, which went 1 for 10 on 3-pointers.

"You can't ease into the game, especially in the finals," Pierce said. "That's one of the better rebounding teams in the NBA. We've just got to do a better job rebounding the ball, eliminating easy opportunities. When I look up and we've given up 100 points, I haven't seen that in a while."

Andrew Bynum scored 10 points on his injured right knee as the Lakers improved to 9-0 at home in the playoffs, with 12 straight postseason home wins dating to last year's championship run.

Bryant scored just four points in the fourth quarter, but hit a 3-pointer in the final seconds. He added seven rebounds and six assists in his 12th 30-point game of the postseason.

The Lakers took a 50-41 halftime lead, but Rondo kept the Lakers close with 10 points, including a buzzer-beating jumper. Los Angeles took charge in the final minutes of the third quarter, when Bryant led an 11-2 run to an 84-64 lead heading into the fourth.

NOTES: An entertaining jump ball occurred midway through the second quarter when 5-9 Nate Robinson tied up the 7-foot Gasol. The Spaniard won the tip. ... Celtics C Kendrick Perkins didn't get his seventh technical foul of the postseason, which will result in an automatic one-game suspension, but technical-foul legend Rasheed Wallace got one for arguing late in the third quarter. ... Fans near courtside included Jerry West, Leonardo DiCaprio, Charlize Theron, David Duchovny, Will Ferrell, boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr., Terrell Owens, Steven Spielberg, Snoop Dogg, Mike Epps and Hilary Swank. Chris Rock, David Spade, Kevin James and Adam Sandler sat together at courtside to promote their "Grown Ups" movie, opening in three weeks.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010



一、 学会做人

二、 成圣成贤

三、 解决问题


Tuesday, June 1, 2010












Friday, May 28, 2010


超人不会飞新曲歌词大曝光 周杰伦奔驰座驾狂甩狗仔。超人不会飞在今天上午的音乐电台里曝光了周杰伦的首播主打歌《超人不会飞》,这首由周杰伦填词谱曲兼制作,《超人不会飞》以抒情曲风缓缓唱出出道十年心路历程与感慨的新歌,一经曝光之后便迎来了无数歌迷的热捧与褒奖。超人不会飞周杰伦奔驰座驾狂甩狗仔。


  妈妈说 很多事别太计较
  只是使命感找到了我 我睡不着
  如果说 骂人要有点技巧
  我会加点旋律 你会觉得才屌
  我的枪 不会装弹药
  所以放心 不会有人倒《超人不会飞》
  我拍青蜂侠 不需要替身 因为自信是我绘画的颜料
  我做很多事背后的意义 远离你们想象
  拍个电视出卖了友情 延伸了现在的梦想
  被狗仔拍的那XXXX的贱模样 怎样

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

周杰伦 跨时代


词:黄俊郎 曲:周杰伦

锺逆时锺而绕 恶物狰狞的倾巢





我的乐器在环绕 时代无淘汰我霸气





月下浮凋 魔鬼的浅笑

狼迎风嚎 蝠翔似黑潮


我跨越过时代 如兽般的姿态


不需要被崇拜 如兽般的悲哀

只为永恒的乐曲存在 醒过来

我不需要被崇拜 我不需要被崇拜

我跨越过时代 如兽般的姿态


不需要被崇拜 如兽般的悲哀

智利气候异常 全球最干沙漠下大雪

【大纪元5月20日讯】(大纪元记者许惠安综合报导)地球气候出现异常。全球最干燥地区之一的南美智利阿塔卡玛沙漠(Atacama Desert),在5月17日下了一场罕见大雪。此外,北部的安托法加斯塔地区,则因为连日大雨,多处地方发生土石流,超过1千户民宅被毁,2千多人无家可归。






Thursday, May 6, 2010






Friday, April 30, 2010














  我们永远都不要提分手好吗?爱你不是游戏,不管我们的解决是否完美 我这辈子最大的幸运就是认识你,




我微笑 因为我遇见了你







一款青绿色 水滴形状的耳环


-- 为你钟情

人一生中总会遇见自己最钟情的人 事 物

为自己所钟情的人 事 物





我微笑因为 你是我的唯一

爱在心 口难开





















Sunday, April 25, 2010

Toy Story 3

Starring: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Jodi Benson, Michael Keaton
Director: Lee UnkrichGenre: Animation
Release Date: 9-May-2010
Language: English
Distributor: Disney Pixar

Toy Story 3 is an upcoming American computer-animated 3-D film and IMAX 3-Dfilm, being produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures and Walt Disney Animation Studios. It is the third and final installment in the Toy Story series and is scheduled for release on June 18, 2010, in the United States and July 23, 2010 in the United Kingdom.[1] Lee Unkrich, who edited the previous films and co-directed the second, takes over as director. It is the first Toy Story film to be released by Walt Disney Animation Studios.

Andy (John Morris), now nearly 18 years old, is just days away from heading off to college, and his toys, including Woody (Tom Hanks) and Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), are worried about their uncertain future.
Andy plans to keep Woody and put the others in the attic, but his mother accidentally throws them away. Opening the trash bag they're in, the toys think that Andy is throwing them away on purpose. Jessie (Joan Cusack) thinks the toys should take charge of their own destiny, and convinces them to stow away in a box of other toys headed for donation to Sunnyside Daycare. Woody, trying to save the toys from being thrown away, realizes they're in the donation box. He tries to rescue them, but before he can leave, Andy's mom puts him in the box and closes the back door.
When the toys arrive at Sunnyside they meet many new faces, such as Lotso (Ned Beatty), a pink strawberry-scented teddy bear who is the leader of the Sunnyside toys, and a smooth-talking Ken (Michael Keaton) doll, who falls head over heels for Molly's Barbie doll (Jodi Benson).
The toys are keen on starting a new life at the daycare, except for Woody, who unsuccessfully tries to convince them that Andy hasn't abandoned them. Woody tries to escape, but ends up being taken home by a little girl named Bonnie, who takes him to meet her own toys including Trixie the Triceratops (Kristen Schaal), and the thespian hedgehog Mr. Pricklepants (Timothy Dalton). He tells Woody of the horrors of Sunnyside.
Before long, the other toys discover that Andy is actively searching for them after noticing they're missing, and realize how much he still cares for them. To make matters worse, they also learn that some of their new friends aren't as friendly as they thought.The toys try to escape, but Lotso and the others trap them and convinces them they got rid of Woody. When Woody returns to the toys they then come up with a plan to return to Andy's family, but Buzz is damaged during an escape attempt. The toys try to reset Buzz, only to make him revert to a delusional Spanish version of his old self, much to the other toys' discomfort and Jessie's amazement.
The toys now must all work together to get Woody home in time before Andy leaves for college.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Vladimir Horowitz Piano Performance

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Scholes keeps Man Utd in title hunt

I watched this live on ESPN... It looks like there's no hope for Man Utd but a miracle happened in the last minute of the injury time! Unbelievable... Way to go Paul Scholes! Way to go Man Utd! I was sooo happy to know that Tottemham beat Chelsea 2-1, now there 1 point of difference between Man Utd and Chelsea. Hope that Chelsea will draw or loose to Liverpool in the last match and Man Utd wins the Barclays Premier League.

Paul Scholes's 93rd-minute winner settled the Manchester derby at Eastlands on Saturday to give Manchester United a 1-0 victory that kept their title dream alive.

The veteran midfielder rose to meet Patrice Evras left-wing cross with 20 seconds remaining of the three minutes of added time and his clinical 12-yard header may yet prove costly for Manchester City as they seek fourth place and a first ever taste of Champions League football.

United manager Sir Alex Ferguson admitted defeat would have all but ended his side's hopes of a fourth straight title, although leaders Chelsea will remain four points clear with three matches to play if they beat Tottenham Hotspur later on Saturday.

"It (losing) would have made it very difficult," Ferguson told Sky Sports.
"We deserved to win the game but I couldn't see a goal coming. Towards the end, City made a bit of a charge, it got a bit open, the game, and I decided to push Scholesy forward a bit and it paid off.

"I think he was the man of the match," Ferguson added. "I thought he was absolutely fantastic."
Defeat meant City missed the chance to put distance between themselves and Tottenham, their rivals for the fourth-place finish that guarantees a spot in the qualifying rounds for next season's Champions League.

"We are very disappointed, we didn't deserve to lose," said frustrated City manager Roberto Mancini. "But this is football."

The former Italy forward added: "The crucial match will be against Tottenham here (on May 5). We have four games left and we must try to win them."

The derby's importance was not lost on both teams, which perhaps explained the slightly cautious first half, particularly from City, who defended extremely deep in an effort to stifle United.

The best chances of that opening period both fell to United and came in the final five minutes.
First, Antonio Valencia's intelligent header into the area wrong-footed the defence and found Wayne Rooney, only for the forward to smash his shot past the post from 15 yards.

Then, with half-time beckoning, Valencia again beat the recalled Wayne Bridge far too easily down the United right and delivered a low, driven near-post cross that Ryan Giggs poked tamely into the hands of Shay Given.

Those openings aside, first-half opportunities were sparse, with Edwin van der Sar required to make the only save of note when he leapt high to his right in the 12th minute to catch a direct Carlos Tevez free-kick, awarded 25 yards from goal after a foul on the Argentine striker by Darron Gibson.

Rooney, who was passed fit after recovering from the effects of his ankle injury, cut an increasingly frustrated figure.

He frequently argued with referee Martin Atkinson, a controversial late call-up to officiate the game because of his role in the first Manchester derby of the season, in which Michael Owen scored the winning goal in United's 4-3 victory after six minutes of injury time.

Craig Bellamy wasted a glorious chance on the counter for City, taking a Tevez pass in his stride only to hurry his shot into the side-netting.

At the other end, Giggs was similarly profligate with a wasteful first-time volley from an accurate Valencia cross.

But Mancini had seen enough and sent on defensive midfielder Patrick Vieira for Adam Johnson.
Finally the contest began to open up and Evra, substitute Nani and Giggs all had half-chances for United while Gareth Barry and Nigel de Jong threatened the United goal -- all in a five-minute period.

United substitute Dimitar Berbatov, on for Rooney, headed inches wide of Given's covering dive from a Gary Neville cross nine minutes from time.

Then van der Sar mishandled a corner, sparking a furious late scramble in which Vieira and Nedum Onuoha had shots blocked.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I Hate You P.Y.K.

I hate everything about you
I hate the way you walk
I hate the way you talk
I hate the way you raise your hand
I hate the way to sit in band
I hate the way you hang out
I hate the way you shout
I hate the way you see
I hate the way you never got screwed
I hate the way you say hi
I hate the way you say bye
I hate the way you walk through the hall
I hate the way you're so tall
I hate the way you think
I hate the way you never wear pink
I hate the way you wear your uniform
I hate the way you're so mellow
I hate the way you smile
I hate the way you open your mouth
I hate the way you sing a song
I hate the way
I want to join along
I hate the way to dated her
I hate the way you tell me a cat says purr
I hate the way you look at me
I hate everything about you
I can see and most of all

Hate me if you want
hate me if you might
hate me if i'm wrong
or hate me even if i'm right.
hate me because i'm good looking than you
hate me because you're not
hate me for whatever reason
hate me with everything you got.
hate me for ignoring you
hate me for walking away
hate me for not sinking to your level
hate me every minute of everyday.
hate me for being stronger than you
hate me because i'm the person you want to be
hate me because of your pitiful
like everyone that judges me.

None of those hates are gonna help you now
Play... DEAD

Thursday, April 15, 2010




输就输咯 * 我心里想


校方送了他们十二瓶100 Plus (1.5ml)



辩论比赛 ~ 现今社会应该提倡“爱一行,干一行。”

第一、 爱一行,干一行是古往今来人类理性认识的结晶。一位哲人说过“人是人的未来”,就已精辟地揭示了个人的兴趣爱好是人类特有的理性精神,意味着人类需要以其爱的光芒来照耀前行之路,不至于在经济建设的大潮中成为迷途羔羊。


第三、 爱一行,干一行是社会不断进步的标志。科学日新月异,社会提倡法制化文明,企业实施人性化管理,强调和尊重人的主观能动性是社会进步和历史发展的必然要求。

第四、 爱一行,干一行是无数仁人志士用毕生证明了的真理。“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”的文天祥,为医药事业尝便天下毒草的名医李时珍,一生贫困潦倒仍不放弃音乐的贝多芬,到死才被人发现他绝世才华的画家毕加索;无不是爱一行,干一行的典范。所以,我方为干一行,爱一行的人们表达敬意;对爱一行,干一行的人们表示敬仰。谢谢大家。





Wednesday, April 14, 2010


再次我想献两首诗给大家,尤其是给去年跟我同班的。。。那天毕业旅行的最后一天情况刚好可以用这首诗来描述。讲到笛子声中我们在晚风的亭边分别,你去潇湘,我去长安。同样的,我们6M 班的每一份子都各奔前程,追求自己的梦想。

淮上与友人别 郑谷

扬 子 江 头 扬 柳 春,
扬 花 愁 杀 渡 江 人。
数 声 风 笛 离 亭 晚,
君 向 潇 湘 我 向 秦。


岭上逢久别者又别 权德舆

十 年 曾 一 别,
征 路 此 相 逢,
马 首 向 何 处?
夕 阳 千 万 峰。

我看了那时候我为思恩和浩正做的video slideshow,再看看我们6M去毕业旅行的点点滴滴,我真想念以前的日子。我真想念你们。。。我爱6M!

*slideshow可以去我的blog archive找。我有post到。

Saturday, April 10, 2010

统一评测过了 but 功课的压力快把我压倒了

Exam's over
So 等于 know the results
So 等于 the report card is coming out
So 也等于 the teahcer wants to meet our parents
And our parents will know everything
Fine... No matter what I say is useless
Gotta face the fact

I'm not very satisfied with my results
Especially my 历史
Dunno that day what happened to me
I won't tell the marks for this subject
Play dead XD

历史~not telling... 我会守口如瓶
Sejarah 历国~88%



Thursday, April 1, 2010

Exam over... A small test waiting... Mid Year Exam

At last...
It's just five days
But it seems like it's taking ages
And so fast
The results are out
The school is giving out the report card in a few weeks time
Don't know what my parents will think about me
Anyway, everything is over
I must look forward

I'm not very satisfied with the results
Especially my Sejarah ( chinese )
I think my highest is 87.5% English
There're still some results not out so maybe that won't be the highest
I must stay focused on my studies
Those stupid results won't make me fall
Other than my basketball
There're still lots of things important
So I'll put average effort to all these activities

You are not a forever winner, kiddo
And your boasting around won't last long
Because this year
You'll be toasted!
From the start I knew you very well
Always getting haughty and proud in achiving small winnings
But none of those are gonna help you now

After this examination
Two more small test on this coming Saturday and Tuesday
Saturday we'll have arithmatic
Tuesday we'll have biology
Dunno when's our sets test
Next, after one and a half months
It's the mid year examination
There'll be lots of things to memorise again
Sejarah, Chinese, Geography...

This is what the students here are suffering from
Not pestilences...
But surprisingly from exams
And there're still many who are qualified to form 2
I know... that I can do the same
Just go in there... And win it all
Always tell yourself:
" I'm not the best of the best...
But I can't be the worst of the worst... "

Monday, March 29, 2010

NBA: Lakers bounce back with win over Rockets

The NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers rebounded from a lopsided loss to Oklahoma City with a 109-101 victory over short-handed Houston on Saturday.

Pau Gasol scored a season-high 30 points as the Lakers dealt the Rockets their fourth straight defeat.

"It was real good," Lakers star Kobe Bryant said. "We really wanted to come out and play well especially after the showing we had last night."

But Lakers coach Phil Jackson wasn't as impressed with the victory over a Houston team lacking Kevin Martin and Shane Battier.

The Lakers led by 20 points at the end of the third quarter but let the margin narrow to single digits in the final period.

"I told them I'm not happy with the win, but we won the game," Jackson said. "We get outscored 32-20 in the fourth quarter. You don't want to finish a game like that."

Los Angeles closed the second quarter with a 20-0 scoring run, taking a commanding lead that they never relinquished.

"Those last minutes of the second quarter gave us the lead and gave us momentum to kind of put them away," Gasol said. "I was glad to see that ending of the half because we don't do that very often."

On Friday, the Lakers fell 91-75 to the Thunder. They shot just 39 percent from the field as they posted their fewest points of the season.

Bryant, who had 18 turnovers against Oklahoma City, was one assist short of the Lakers' first triple-double of the season with 17 points 10 rebounds and nine assists. The Lakers had just seven assists total against the Thunder on Friday.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Clash Of The Titans

Clash of the Titans is a 2010 fantasy film which is a remake of the 1981 film of the same name, itself loosely based on the Greek myth of Perseus. Directed by Louis Leterrier and starring Sam Worthington, the film was originally set for standard release on March 26, 2010. It was later announced that the film would be converted to 3-D and released on April 2, 2010.

The Clash of the Titans remake began development in 2002 under producer Adam Schroeder and writers John Glenn and Travis Wright. They wanted to drop the element of the gods playing chess. Producer Basil Iwanyk revived the project in 2006 with a rewrite by Travis Beacham, a fan of the original. Lawrence Kasdan and director Stephen Norrington signed on in 2007.But Norrington was unsure about his direction for the project, because he did not grow up with th e original. Leterrier, who did, contacted Norrington through their shared agent about replacing him by June 2008. Leterrier noted the original Clash of the Titans inspired the climax of his previous film The Incredible Hulk – a battle in a burnt-down courtroom with temple-like columns – and has compared modern superheroes to Greek mythology. Writers Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi reworked Kasdan's script, which had been written with an PG-13 rating.

Filming began April 27, 2009, in London at Shepperton Studios. Filming also took place in Wales and the Canary Islands, primarily in Tenerife (more specifically in the Teide National Park), Gran Canaria (in Maspalomas Dunes) and Lanzarote, while aerial photography was to be conducted in Iceland and Ethiopia. Filming of volcano scenes at the Harriet hole in Dinorwic Slate Quarry in Wales wrapped at the end of July. This slate quarry has also been used for locations for Willow and Street Fighter.

Clash of the Titans was originally set for standard release on March 26, 2010. The Heat Vision Blog reported on January 27, 2010 that after a 3-D conversion test of the film which Warner Bros. found to be a "roaring success," the film would be converted to 3-D and would premiere on April 2, 2010.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

One Republic Waking Up Album 2010 ~ All The Right Moves

All the right friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
They got all the right moves in all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

Just paint the picture of a perfect place
They got it better than what anyone's told you
They'll be the King of Hearts, and you're the Queen of Spades
Then we'll fight for you like we were your soldiers

I know we've got it good
But they got it made
And the grass is getting greener each day
I know things are looking up
But soon they'll take us down,
before anybody's knowing our name.

They got all the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
We've got all the right moves and all the wrong faces
So yeah, we're going down
They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

Do you think I'm special?
Do you think I'm nice?
Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces?
Between the noise you hear
And the sound you like
Are we just sinking in an ocean of faces?

It can be possible that rain can fall,
Only when it's over our heads
The sun is shining everyday, but it's far away
Over the world is death.

They got,
They got,
All the right friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
They got, all the right moves and all the wrong faces
So yeah, we're going down

They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

It don't matter what you see.
I know I could never be
Someone that'll look like you.
It don't matter what you say,
I know I could never face
someone that could sound like you.

All the right friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
They got all the right moves and all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

All the right friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
They got all the right moves and all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down.

Yeah, we're going down.
Yeah, we're going down.

(All the right moves, hey)
Yeah, we're going down
(All the right moves, hey)
Yeah, we're going down

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lady Gaga ~ Bad Romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it’s free
I want your love
I want your love

I want your drummer
The touch of your healing
I want you leather dirty kiss in the scene
And I want your love
You know that I want you
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad
Bad and bad

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me put on a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me put on a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

I want your horror
I want your design
‘Cause you’re a criminal
As long as your mine
I want your love
I want your love

I want your psycho
You’re burning this stick
Want you in my room
When your baby is sick
I want your love
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad
Bad and bad

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me put on a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me put on a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

Walk-walk fashion baby
Work it
Work the b**** crazy
Walk-walk fashion baby
Work it
Work the b**** crazy
Walk-walk fashion baby
Work it
Work the b**** crazy
Walk-walk fashion baby
Work it
Work the b**** crazy

I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don’t wanna be friends

Said I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don’t wanna be friends

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me put on a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me put on a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Friday, March 19, 2010

World Cup Team Capsules


South Africa

Not only is South Africa carrying the weight of hosting the first World Cup on African soil, but the Bafana Bafana will also be under pressure to qualify for the second round in a tough Group A as no host nation has ever failed to advance past the first round. While the qualification process was averted due to hosting the tournament, South Africa gained a vital amount of experience by reaching the semifinals of the 2009 Confederations Cup, also hosted in the country last summer. Led by Brazilian coach Carlos Alberto Parreira (in his second stint with the Bafana), his World Cup winning experience in 1994 is expected to propel South Africa to new heights, but much will depend on the efforts of star player Steven Pienaar of Everton fame.


Two-time World Cup winners Uruguay are far removed from their best years as a world footballing power, but La Celeste have big plans in 2010 after having defeated Costa Rica in a two-match playoff during the final stage of the qualification process. National team manager Oscar Tabarez has some serious star power at his disposal in the form of Atletico Madrid’s Diego Forlan and Ajax star Luis Suarez, but will also need to see the best out of captain Diego Lugano if Uruguay has any designs on advancing past the group stage. The inaugural World Cup winners from 1930 qualified for their 11th World Cup finals appearance this summer, but haven’t advanced beyond the last 16 since the 1970 tournament in Mexico.


The most controversial participant at the 2010 World Cup, France qualified at Ireland’s expense through the now infamous Thierry Henry handball during their two-match playoff in November. The 1998 World Cup winners boast a who’s who of star players like Franck Ribery, Florent Malouda, Patrick Vieira and Yoann Gourcuff from the best leagues in Europe, however Les Bleus struggled mightily in qualifying, resulting in numerous calls for the resignation of manager Raymond Domenech. However, the French FA stuck with the astrology-driven coach through the difficulties in the run-up to the World Cup and were rewarded with the team’s record fourth-straight appearance.


Los Tricolores reached an impressive 14th World Cup finals appearance (the most in CONCACAF history) by finishing second in the qualifying hexagonal behind the United States. Swedish coach Sven Goran Eriksson was supposed to be the man to lead Mexico to South Africa, but a number of poor results and a precarious early qualifying position led the federation to release him and bring back the steadying influence of Javier Aguirre. At 36-years old, Cuauhtemoc Blanco is still the talisman pulling the strings in the center of midfield for El Tri, but this time around he’s surrounded by a host of promising youngsters such as Arsenal’s Carlos Vela and Tottenham striker Giovani dos Santos (currently on loan to Galatasaray). Despite being a World Cup regular thoughout the years, Mexico has never advanced past the quarterfinal stage in any tournament, and both of those performances were on home soil in 1970 and 1986.



No doubt the most controversial and famous coach in the 2010 edition of the World Cup, the two-time winners Argentina are led by the man who scored the most famous goal in World Cup history in 1986 – Diego Maradona. Suspended for two months by FIFA after a media tirade following the Albiceleste’s qualification in Uruguay, Maradona is hoping for a smoother ride in South Africa after a rough road to reach the tournament this summer in the CONMEBOL region where the Argentines finished in fourth place. Led by FIFA World Player of the Year Lionel Messi and some of the best talents on the planet, the Argentines are always a threat to win the whole thing, but they will find themselves with some pretty stiff opposition in Group B, and no one can tell just what distractions Maradona will offer up during the finals.


The Super Eagles were Africa’s greatest World Cup threat in the 1990’s, however this is the team’s first appearance back in the tournament since 2002. With the World Cup on African soil, Nigeria is expected to give a solid account of themselves this summer with the crowds firmly behind them. While names like Jay-Jay Okocha and Sunday Oliseh bring back memories of Nigeria’s golden age, new youngsters such as Obafemi Martins and Jon Mikel Obi are more than ready to carry the torch for their famous predecessors. Coach Shaibu Amodu had to survive a rough qualifying stage after the Super Eagles opened with a scoreless draw against Mozambique that gave the early advantage to Tunisia, however Nigeria righted the ship just in time to qualify for its fourth World Cup finals.

South Korea

The South Koreans provided a sensation in 2002 when under legendary Dutch coach Guus Hiddink they progressed all the way to the semifinals on home soil before bowing out to Germany. Hiddink is no longer in charge of the Asian Tigers, but new coach Huh Jung-Moo did what was necessary to lead his team to its seventh straight appearance at the World Cup. Manchester United winger Park Ji-Sung is the man expected to lead the team back to former glory, but a number of other stars plying their trade in leagues across Europe will make the job much easier for the talented midfielder. The first Asian team to represent the continent back in 1954, South Korea will be a dangerous side from the start, especially with a World Cup not being played on European ground.


Long live King Otto! German coach Otto Rehhagel is already a legend in Greece after having led the team to a stunning Euro 2004 victory in Portugal, but his magic continued during World Cup qualifying as the Greeks emerged from a difficult group in second place and found themselves in a playoff with Ukraine for one of the final UEFA World Cup spots. After winning the playoff series 1-0 on aggregate against their Eastern European foes, Greece cemented its place in the World Cup finals for only the second time in its history. It was back in 1994 that Greece reached its first-ever World Cup in the USA, but finished the tournament in last place. The Greeks will be on the march to improve their overall World Cup record in South Africa, and with steady players like Angelos Charisteas, Georgios Samaras and Theofanis Gekas, it might be unwise to bet heavily against them.



After its failure to qualify for the 2008 European Championship, England was in need of a serious overhaul at the top level and found exactly what it was looking for in the form of new manager Fabio Capello. The Italian master transformed the Three Lions during their qualification for 2010 into a formidable side that went unbeaten until the World Cup had already been secured. Along the way, England put on a clinic against group rivals Croatia in Zagreb with a 4-1 victory. Leading the way for England in South Africa will be talented, hard-working striker Wayne Rooney, playing in front of a squad boasting players such as Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, John Terry and Rio Ferdinand. With only one World Cup title in its history and no major trophy since that one in 1966, the Three Lions are looking to end their title drought and Capello might just be the man to deliver the success so many England fans are craving.

United States

After a 40-year absence since its last World Cup in 1950, the USA has now qualified for every World Cup finals since 1990 – six on the trot. Coach Bob Bradley took over for Bruce Arena after a dismal 2006 tournament and led the team to an impressive final appearance against Brazil in the 2009 Confederations Cup while simultaneously earning first place in the CONCACAF qualifying region. The Americans will be heavily reliant on their star midfielder Landon Donovan, especially with a number of key injuries piling up ahead of the tournament to players like Oguchi Onyewu, Charlie Davies and now Fulham attacker Clint Dempsey. The U.S. has been a yo-yo team since the 1990 World Cup, playing respectably at one tournament (1994, 2002) and floundering the next (1990, 1998, 2006), so if numbers are anything to go by (along with a tournament not in Europe and a modest group), the Yanks should be considered a threat to reach the second round.


In what was certainly one of the most thrilling qualifying series for the 2010 World Cup, the Desert Foxes of Algeria reached their first World Cup since 1986 after a remarkable playoff tie-breaker match against Egypt in Sudan. Coach Rabah Saadane faces a daunting challenge in Group C against the likes of England and the United States, but can rely on the experience of Algeria defender Antar Yahia and talented Rangers midfielder Madjid Bougherra to keep his team in any match. Algeria made history in 1982 by beating powerhouse Germany in the group stage, but the North Africans will have to create a new kind of magic if they hope to replace that legendary result with one of equal or higher relevance in 2010.


Surprise entrants in 2002, the small former Yugoslavian nation once again provided a shock by defeating Guus Hiddink’s Russia in a hotly contested November playoff. If that wasn’t enough, they also finished second in their group behind Slovakia but ahead of World Cup regulars Poland and the Czech Republic. While head coach Matjaz Kek has formed one of the stingiest defenses in Europe, he also can call upon the attacking threats of Milivoje Novakovic and captain Robert Koren to light up the scoreboard. The odds are long to go far for the nation of only two million people, but it would be foolish to count the Slovenians out of any match after the tense battles they overcame to reach South Africa this summer.



With probably the most consistent pedigree on the planet behind only Brazil, Germany has once again reached the World Cup with an eye on lifting its fourth trophy since the ‘Miracle of Berne’ – its first-ever world title in 1954. Germany hosted a brilliant World Cup in 2006 and was disappointed not to at least reach the final after losing to the eventual champions Italy in the semifinals, but head coach Joachim Loew has given himself every opportunity for success by grooming an efficient, yet explosive side that on its day can be the very best in the world. Longtime captain Michael Ballack of Chelsea will once again lead Die Mannschaft in South Africa, aided by superstars like Miroslav Klose, Bastian Schweinsteiger and Philipp Lahm. The Germans, having reached a record seven World Cup final matches, will look to make it eight in July and if it comes down to a shootout, never doubt the three-time World Cup winners – in four penalty shootouts in World Cup history, they’ve never lost one.


The Socceroos had gone 32 long years since reaching the last World Cup in Germany in 2006, but they returned with aplomb as they reached the knockout stage and fell to a late Francesco Totti winner against Italy. Leading the way was famous Dutchman Guus Hiddink, once again getting the most out of a team that probably had little business in the second round. Australia, taking the plunge and moving into the Asian qualifying region, made short work of its opposition and easily qualified for South Africa, becoming one of the first nations to book its ticket to this summer’s tournament. Now under the watchful eye of head coach Pim Verbeek, star playerslike Everton’s Tim Cahill and the Blackburn duo of Brett Emerton and Vince Grella will no longer be underestimated at the World Cup finals, so they’ll have to be at their very best to come through a difficult Group D.


Ghana reached its first-ever World Cup finals in 2006 and had a magical run as the only team from Africa to move on to the second round before falling to Brazil. One of Africa’s most successful teams within the continent, success on the world stage is only now becoming more of an expectation than mere hope, especially with a team led by Chelsea superstar Michael Essien. The Black Stars cruised through qualifying in the African region and firmly believe that with a World Cup on African soil they can progress out of the group stage and make some noise in the knockout round. Serbian coach Milovan Rajevac has a multitude of stars at his disposal, including Inter Milan’s Sulley Muntari and and captain Stephen Appiah of Bologna, so reaching the second round would be no great shock for this team, but the opposition will be stiff in what many feel is the tournament’s second Group of Death.


First, it was Yugoslavia, then it became Serbia and Montenegro. Now fully independent, Serbia comes into its first-ever World Cup as a new nation, but can rely on that wealth of experience to once again strike fear into the opposition. Serbian success in qualifying was heavily reliant on a staunch defense anchored by one of the best in the world – Manchester United’s Nemanja Vidic. The rock-solid center back is complemented by Inter midfielder Dejan Stankovic and Milan Jovanovic at the point of attack. Head coach Radomir Antic knows a daunting task in Group D lies before him, but the new Beli Orlovi (White Eagles) will be keen to make a solid first impression against Ghana in their first group match in Pretoria.


The Netherlands

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride … two-time World Cup runners-up Holland return to the finals as one of the perennial favorites on paper to win the entire tournament, but internal strife once again threatens to derail the team before a ball is ever kicked in anger. Few teams can match Die Oranje in terms of overall skill, but the mental fatigue and pressure in World Cups always seems to get the best of the Dutch when it matters most. But Bert van Marwijk’ current charges will certainly try to rewrite recent history with a successful outing in 2010, and should that happen, no one should be surprised. The Dutch were flawless in qualifying and easily punched their ticket to South Africa behind the remarkable skills of winger Arjen Robben and the steady influence of midfielders Rafael van der Vaart and Wesley Sneijder. Up top, Arsenal hitman Robin van Persie and Liverpool striker Dirk Kuyt provide all sorts of problems for any opposing defense.


Few believed Denmark had a serious chance to reach the World Cup when the qualifying groups were announced three years ago, but the Danes brushed aside Sweden, Portugal and Hungary in fine style to earn an automatic berth in South Africa. Longtime coach Morten Olsen brings the team back to the World Cup for the fourth time in its history, their last visit a 2002 round of sixteen exit against England. The 1992 European champions are led in attack by Feyenoord striker Jon Dahl Tomasson and Gunners ace Nicklas Bendtner, while the back line is steadily anchored by Liverpool stopper Daniel Agger.


Having appeared in more World Cups than any other African nation, it was quite a shock not to see Cameroon in Germany back in 2006. The Indomitable Lions are back however, and will certainly reflect on their incredible run to the quarterfinals in 1990 as inspiration to once again lead the way for the continent. Coach Paul Le Guen of Lyon fame took over the team after a poor start early in qualifying and immediately the move started paying dividends. Four straight victories ensured safe passage to South Africa and no player was more essential to the cause than Inter Milan striker Samuel Eto’o. The dynamic forward scored nine goals in qualifying alone, but was ably accompanied by world stars such as Geremi, Jean Makoun and Arsenal’s Alexandre Song. With an impressive amount of firepower at his disposal, Le Guen will certainly never get a better opportunity to lead Cameroon one step further than its amazing run 20 years ago.


Their fourth straight World Cup appearance, Japan comes to South Africa after a dominating display in Asian qualifying which saw them easily book their place in this summer’s tournament. Head coach Takeshi Okada will know however that solid results in Asia won’t necessarily translate to World Cup success. The Samurai Blue are led by midfield free kick maestro Shunsuke Nakamura, but the talented Espanyol man will no longer be able to rely on former teammate and center stalwart Hidetoshi Nakata after his international retirement. While the Japanese fared well on home soil back in 2002 after reaching the round of 16, their last World Cup performance left a lot to be desired, so the current squad will be fighting to give a much better account of itself this time around in South Africa. The odds however, are stacked against them.



The reigning World Cup champions rarely get it done in flashy style, instead relying on an impregnable defense and clinical finishing at just the right moment, but Marcelo Lippi’s men have a point to prove in defense of their 2006 title in Germany. They’ve been called a bit ‘long in the tooth’ over the years when anything went just slightly pear shaped, but as usual, the Azzurri came through qualifying with little fuss in a group that included unlucky Ireland and Bulgaria. Bidding to tie Brazil for the most World Cup titles this summer with five, motivation will be the least of Lippi’s problems. Instead, he’ll have to worry about bringing back grizzled veterans like Francesco Totti and Luca Toni at the expense of young stars like Giueseppe Rossi and Sebastian Giovinco. With Lippi’s incredible resume in world football, he’ll most likely get the balance just right. At the very least he can be certain to see the best out of his world class goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon.


Few things can make the World Cup seem insignificant, but Paraguayan fans’ hearts are for the moment strictly focused on Salvador Cabanas, the Club America striker who was recently shot in the head in Mexico and is fighting for his life each and every day. The burly hitman was the perfect foil to Manchester City star Roque Santa Cruz, but now head coach Gerardo Martino will have to make due without him in South Africa. He’ll expect big things out of Dortmund midfielder Nelson Valdez to help stabilize a team that has now qualified for four straight World Cup finals. The Paraguayans were disappointed after a first round exit in 2006, but after a brilliant qualifying campaign in South America which saw La Albirroja finish third behind only Brazil and Chile, the team will certainly have designs on getting farther this time around, especially with Cabanas constantly in their thoughts.

New Zealand

A member of the 1982 World Cup squad, New Zealand coach Ricki Herbert took full advantage of Australia’s exodus from the Oceania region in leading the Kiwis to their second-ever appearance in the finals. Blackburn skipper and former D.C. United star Ryan Nelsen took charge of the Kiwis’ playoff series against Bahrain, leading the team to two shutouts and a 1-0 aggregate win over the Asians to reach the tournament this summer. New Zealand natives have jumped on the bandwagon and the rugby-mad nation is fully behind the All-Whites, however anything more than a pedestrian first round exit will undoubtedly be the surprise of the tournament.


Long in the shadow of its talented neighbors the Czech Republic, Slovakia emerged as this summer’s powerful representative from the former Czechoslovakia, a nation with a terrific World Cup pedigree including a finals appearance in 1934 and a quarterfinal exit in 1990. The Slovaks impressively finished first in a qualifying group that included those same Czechs, fellow qualifiers Slovenia and Poland, a feat made even more stunning due to the fact that the team hardly boasts any major star players outside of Liverpool defender Martin Skrtel. But head coach Vladimir Weiss has formed a tight, collective unit which knows what it takes to grind out results. And while not the biggest star in Italy, Napoli hitman Marek Hamsik is a constant threat to score and can cause many headaches for any center back.



No team goes into a World Cup with more expectations than Brazil, and the 2010 edition of the tournament will be no different. Having won a record five titles, the Selecao is once again poised for a deep run in South Africa, especially after having already experienced success on the same grounds last summer by winning the Confederations Cup final against the U.S. Brazil is stacked at every position, boasting a wealth of talent that no country in the world dare attempt to rival. In fact, finding playing time for all those stars is most likely the greatest issue for head coach and 1994 World Cup winner Dunga, but it’s a problem most coaches would love to have. Leading the vaunted Samba attack will be Real Madrid superstar Kaka, while deadly attackers such as Luis Fabiano and Robinho are certain to run riot against their foes throughout the tournament. Providing steady hands in between the pipes should Brazil’s tireless defense shut off for a second will be Inter Milan goalkeeper Julio Cesar. It’s the trophy or bust once again for the Brazilians … and really it’s impossible to imagine it any other way.

Ivory Coast

No African team looked a safer bet to do big things in South Africa than the Ivory Coast, but the Elephants must have felt slightly undone when drawn into the ‘Group of Death’ alongside Brazil and Portugal. However, with the fans firmly in their corner, Didier Drogba and his team will have every chance to still advance and make some noise. And why wouldn’t they with a squad featuring the likes of Drogba, Salomon Kalou, Didier Zokora , Yaya Toure and the England-based pair of Emmanuel Eboue and Kolo Toure? Regardless the draw, head coach Vahid Halilhodzic can be certain that the other teams in the group are just as worried about his team as he is of theirs. Ironically, the Elephants were also drawn into the ‘Group of Death’ in 2006 with match-ups against Argentina, Holland and Serbia-Montenegro. The team failed to reach the second round after finishing in third, but valuable lessons were learned which could make the difference towards a better showing this summer.


Its ‘Golden Generation’ now long gone, Portugal is still finding a way to get the job done, and ironically, it has little to do with superstar Cristiano Ronaldo. Goalless during qualifying and then injured at the finish line, the world’s most expensive transfer did little on paper to help the Selecção das Quinas qualify for South Africa. Instead, the club relied on midfield stars Deco and Simao Sabrosa, along with defensive talisman Ricardo Carvalho, to carry them through a difficult qualifying process which almost saw the Portuguese miss out on the 2010 finals. A dismal start put the team in early jeopardy, but coach Carlos Queiroz turned things around to earn a playoff with the dangerous Bosnians. With Ronaldo watching from the sidelines, Portugal made short work of the Balkan nation over both legs and easily qualified for its fifth World Cup appearance. But while the Portuguese did excellent in 2006 by reaching the semifinals against France, the lack of a consistent forward could make repeating the feat quite difficult.

North Korea

After 40 years in the football wilderness, North Korea stormed back into the international spotlight for the first time since their miraculous run in 1966. Back then in England, the Asians ousted a stunned Italy in the group stage and took a 3-0 lead against Portugal in the quarterfinals, only to watch World Cup legend Eusebio score four goals and lead the Portuguese back to a 5-3 victory. Few North Korean players ply their trade outside of its borders, but a handful are making names for themselves in other markets. The most notable player on the squad is Jong Tae-Se, a striker plying his trade in Japan, but the true master in the middle is home-based Mun In-Guk. While coach Kim Jong-Hun enjoyed great success during the qualifying rounds, he must have been disappointed to see his team drawn into the same group as Brazil, Portugal and the Ivory Coast. Dreams of 1966 are sure to dance in the players’ heads, but a repeat against this opposition is highly improbable.

Group H


The Spaniards finally broke their tournament jinx by fashionably winning Euro 2008 and claiming their first major trophy in 40 years. And while the squad could be pardoned for relaxing a while after finally overcoming that hurdle, head coach Vicente del Bosque only pushed the team to greater heights, including an astounding 35 match unbeaten streak which came to an end against the U.S. in the Confederations Cup semifinal. La Furia charged through qualifying like a bull in a china shop, scoring a perfect ten wins in ten matches and setting the standard for resilience, creativity and resolve. The team is perfectly balanced from goalpost to goalpost, with Iker Casillas between the sticks, Sergio Ramos and Carles Puyol in defense, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, and Xabi Alonso in the middle, and El Nino Fernando Torres providing the deadly finishing. And while World Cup success has always eluded the team (its best-ever finish a fourth place in 1950), this current crop of players, loaded with experience, youth and the majority in their primes, has a massive chance to repeat France’s feat in 1998 and 2000 of simultaneously holding the European and World Cup titles.


The 1962 World Cup hosts returned in grand style with a surprisingly efficient road to qualification that ended in a best-ever second place (behind Brazil) finish in the CONMEBOL region. Argentinean coach Marcelo Bielsa brought his magic with him as La Roja qualified for their first World Cup since 1998. The famous forward tandem of Marcelo Salas and Ivan Zamorano is now long gone, so a new generation of attacking players has grabbed the baton and is leaving scores of befuddled goalkeepers lying helpless in its wake. Humberto Suazo relies on Gerd Mueller-esque instincts to always pop up at the right time in front of goal, while Matias Fernandez and Alexis Sanchez provide a youthful burst that’s caught fire at just the right time. The Chileans finished in third place when they hosted the tournament, and while such lofty heights are unlikely to be repeated, Bielsa’s tactical genius, along with a hungry and skilled young squad, would make it no surprise at all to see the South Americans in the second round.


When it comes to top European exports from Central America, no team can compare to Honduras. With stars like David Suazo, Wilson Palacios and Maynor Figueroa all playing at the highest levels each week, Los Catrachos aren’t in South Africa to simply make up the numbers. Coach Reinaldo Rueda overcame a devastating home defeat against the Americans in qualifying by winning the team’s final match against El Salvador, and then sweating as Costa Rica held a 2-1 lead in added time against the U.S. at RFK stadium. Jonathan Bornstein’s headed goal in the final seconds broke hearts in Costa Rica as they were forced into a playoff with Uruguay, while Hondurans celebrated their automatic qualification thanks to the draw. Their first World Cup since their only other involvement in 1982, seven qualifying goal scorer Carlos Pavon and his team will certainly not look out of place against any team in their group, but face formidable obstacles in the form of Spain, Chile and Switzerland to reach the second round.


The Swiss got the qualifying wake-up call they needed when they suffered an early and highly embarrassing loss to Luxembourg, ultimately reeling off a series of consecutive victories and securing their place in South Africa this summer. One of only two men to win the Champions League with two different clubs, manager Ottmar Hitzfeld brings a wealth of knowledge and quiet resolve to the Swiss squad, characteristics mimicked by his star striker and Switzerland’s all-time leading scorer Alexander Frei. The Basel ace will no doubt rely on the Leverkusen duo of Tranquillo Barnetta and Eren Derdiyok to supply him with steady service up top, while Arsenal defender Philippe Senderos (on loan to Everton) will be called upon to stop players like Fernando Torres, Humberto Suazo and David Suazo. The Swiss were quarterfinal regulars in the 1930’s and 50’s, but the team hasn’t done better than a round of 16 finish (2006) since then. However, Hitzfeld was no doubt pleased in December when the groups were drawn and will certainly believe that a place in the knockout round is in the cards.